Friday, September 08, 2006

Bloggy tour of homes week 6

Master entrance1 Bedrooms, bedrooms, bedrooms. That's what we're touring this week in the bloggy tour of homes.

We have four bedrooms in our home. The master and Baby S's room are on the main level while upstairs we have a guest room with an en suite bathroom, as well as the fourth bedroom which we use as an office. The entrance to the master suite has double doors which lead to the hall as seen in the picture above. This hall, like the dining room is trapezoidal, the builder of this home seemed to like lots of angles. The pocket door to the right of the giraffe painting is the master bathroom, the door to the left of the painting is a large walk-in closet which extends out behind the painting. Where you see the light switch in the foreground, that is a short hall to the bedroom.

Master bed2 When you enter the bedroom we have a nice king sized bed on the wall to the right. The bed is currently in summer mode, to see how it looks in the cold weather, click here. If you look closely or blow up the picture, you'll see my giraffe Gregory on the bed. (I know it's a Geoffrey giraffe, but everyone has a Geoffrey so mine is unique and his name is Gregory.) Yes, I do sleep with him tucked in next to me every night.

Master view The wall directly in front of you when you enter the room is all windows so that we can enjoy the view of the pond. I've had new blinds ready to be installed for the past nine months or so, but have yet to get those put up.

Master dresserThe three case good pieces came from my paternal grandparents. Growing up I always loved this furniture so I feel lucky to have it in my home.

Master Chest I've always loved the depression furniture with it's unique patterns and lines. I also love that the mirrors are somewhat imperfect and they look old.

Master vanity1.0 Originally as part of this set was a headboard, foot board and night stand. I still have the night stand but the head and foot boards were for a full sized bed, so years ago those were sold.

This bloggy tour of homes has made me realize that the only rooms in our home that we haven't done work on are the master suite and the office. The public areas of our home are pretty and finished. The guest room has color and personality but our private space still has white walls and old blinds. Guess I know what my next project is going to be.

Welcome to the guest room. Guest 2a I love the color of this room even though it's not showing its true color in the pictures. The color is called wedgewinkle and is a cross between wedgewood blue and periwinkle. This is the second home where I have used this color for the guest room. To me this room just feels cheerful, welcoming and comfortable for a guest.

When I was looking for a bed for this room, I knew that I wanted white wicker, but not any of the usual wicker designs. I was out shopping with my friend Teresa and I said that I wish I could find a sleigh bed in wicker and the next store that we entered had this bed in the clearance department. Originally it was a wheat color so I spray painted it white and voilà!!

Guest 1a The wall to the left of the bed has a desk area where if you blow up the picture, you'll see my little cow stool with the pink udder. I also love the wooden girls that hang on the wall. There is a third girl which you'll see in the bathroom picture.

Guest view 6a It's too bad that the windows of this room are so small and high as the view is really pretty. Unfortunately the roof of the covered patio comes to the base of these windows so we don't have the option of making them longer.

Guest closet4a The entire wall at the foot of the bed is taken up by closets. Behind the mirrored doors is one big closet which is about 3 1/2 feet deep so amazing storage space. The door to the left of the mirrored doors is the largest linen closet I've ever encountered, being the same depth as the adjacent closet.

Guest en suite3a The wall to the right of the bed has the entrance to the room and the private bathroom. The color of the bathroom is the same as the room, but the skylight in there makes the room look lighter. To the left of the bathroom are lots of old stuffed animals and my Mrs. Beasley doll from when I was a child.

Guest mobile Above them are my mermaids, which I love and Eammon despises. Years ago when I was living up north, Karen Rossi would have an open house at her studio and these are two of her pieces that I bought. I'd love to have these mermaids downstairs but because Eammon doesn't care for them and they match the guest room so well, the guest room they will stay.

Last but not least is my favorite bedroom, Baby S's nursery. Nursery Entrance1 I love this room and other than adding her name to the wall above the stepped bookcase and installing a ceiling fan, the room is complete. I love to go into the room and sit in the glider to read or sometimes I sit there whilst chatting on the phone. To see a short video of the room click here. Or to see a full set of pictures, click here.

Well, that concludes this week's tour, join me next Friday when we look at bonus rooms.

Previous bloggy tour home posts:
Week 5: Bathrooms
Week 4: Kitchen
Week 3: Dining room
Week 2: Living room/ Family room/ den
Week 1: Foyers/ Entrances


  1. Wow, you have a very beautiful home. Thank you for sharing!


  2. Beautious as always! I LOVE that wedgewinkle color :0) Very inviting!

    I only did the master as my other bedrooms are well, a bit of a mess. The room that will be Jadyn's as she grows is bigger than the master....hey, what AM I doing? ;0)

  3. Very pretty, love the nursery! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I just love that periwinkle room! All your rooms are sooo pretty!

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I also love the periwinkle room. Love your art!

  6. Again with the beautiful house. That's it I'm coming down on vacation!!!!!!

  7. Gorgeous home! I especially love Baby S's nursery!

  8. I love Baby S' room! The mural is fantastic! Can't wait to see Baby S in there with you.


  9. Good golly, you have a beautful home! I love the artwork in your master!
    You have great taste!

  10. Awesome Pics!
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Great pictures! I LOVE the nursery!



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