I can't believe that it's Three Word Sunday* already, our week and weekend seemed to fly by. Maisie is loving school and each day she looks stinkin' cute in her uniform having this whole I'm a big girl attitude going on. All the children are supposed to wear either school uniform clothes being navy or khaki pants/shorts/skirts with monogrammed polo shirts in either white, grey, light pink or blue or they're allowed to wear any color plaid. I tried to find some uniform clothes for Maisie but most places start at size 4, Land's End starts at size two but they're as big as a 4 and since Maisie still only wears a size 2 this year is going to be all about plaid. She loves all her new outfits though and has fun deciding each morning what to wear.

We had fun with all our other activities this past week too. Maisie's loved returning to ballet & tap, as always had fun at her gymnastics practices and on Friday she started swim lessons with Miss Rosemary. Back in April/May Maisie took group swim lessons which were really a waste, four little children who couldn't swim, half hour in the pool, lots of crying and just not a lot of learning or practice time. Now she's doing private lessons and she honestly learned more and progressed farther in her first lesson than she did in the six weeks she was in the group class. Maisie really enjoyed the lesson and her instructor.

Friday afternoon Eammon returned home from work while it was still light outside (a rare event these days) and as it was a nice afternoon and Maisie, K & A were all outside, he decided to set out the sprinkler in the driveway so the kids could play a bit. We unfortunately have so many geese &

ducks that frequent our yard, the lawn is often a mine field of poo so the only clean place for the sprinkler is the deck or driveway. The kids didn't mind where they played as they all had a great time. I laughed so hard watching them, especially K thinking that she wasn't wet enough so she filled buckets and bowls to dump extra water on herself and then Maisie wanting to keep a bucket or two on her head thinking that was going to keep her dry, silly little girls!
Saturday was a gorgeous day so Eammon set the pool up on the deck and K, A & Maisie had a blast splashing around together all afternoon. Today it was sunny, hot and almost no humidity so Maisie and Eammon played in the pool together almost all day while I went out and did a little shopping. My reason for going out was to buy some clothes for myself but instead I found some great buys for Eammon. One pair of Nautica swim trunks, one Nautica "Hawaiian"

shirt, three pairs of Izod chino shorts and two pairs of Chaps plaid cargo shorts all for the grand sum of....$65. Gotta love those end of season sales!
After relaxing a bit and watching Maisie swim in the pool I did something that I haven't done in about two years, I made burgers and dogs on the grill. I've been craving for a burger for a while and though burgers never taste as good as when my father makes them, it was still delicious and hit the spot. Also nice was that the three of us were able to enjoy eating dinner together (also a rare event lately in this house) out on the patio.
My computer is still having major issues but we're trying to hold off on buying a new one for a few months. It drives me crazy that the computer gets to the point where it's unusable and Eammon has to run hours of fixes on it so that it will work for a bit longer and I seem to go a couple of days each week without a computer

which is a real pain in the tush. I have my iPhone so I can do some stuff but I can't really do my blog posts from my phone but hey, it's better than no Internet access at all. Also, what's the deal with bloglines and is any one else having the same problem? Many blogs are not showing new posts at all and for the ones that do show up, it's often taking days to show, what's the deal??
Guess that about sums up our week and weekend and now it's time to get
bentos for tomorrow made and ready for another busy and hopefully fun week. Wishing everyone a wonderful week.

Sum up your week in three little words. You can sing it, you can say it, you can write it, you can draw it. It can be funny or sad or poignant as long as it’s honest. Check out Pug Mama's blog later in the week to see her video of all the participant's pictures.