Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Look how big we're getting!

I-171H Update:
According to USPS.com, our home study and I-171H application were received by USCIS in Atlanta at 7:04 a.m. on Tuesday, May 24. Now the supposed 4 week countdown begins. Look, not only do I stalk the postman, but I stalk online too!
Monday, May 23, 2005
At the mercy of USCIS...Again!

*The "I-171H," also known as the "Notice of Favorable Determination," is an approval from the U.S. Government (namely the FBI and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services – USCIS), for us to adopt internationally.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Having difficulty choosing a baby name?
G-rated Names
My Hippie Chick Name is: |
Suggestive Names
My Porn Star Name is: |
Leave me comment, and let me know what fun name you come out with!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Baby food for Funshine

Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Fingerprinting was a breeze!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Lopsidedness can be rewarding!
When we first purchased our home, just over a year and a half ago, Eammon and I both loved that we backed up to the water, and we were also attracted to the small lawn and the beautifully manicured shrubs and garden beds. I don't know why the smaller grassy area appealed to me, as mowing is a blue job, and not one that I would have to worry about...other than listening to Eammon complain that he either has to mow, or complaining that he had to mow. My outdoor responsibilities are the shrubs and the gardens, and trust me, I got screwed on this bargain as the shrubs and garden beds don't seem to end. I needed to trim the shrubs, and my old hedge trimmer, had bit the dust, so I purchased a new Hedge trimmer. Thus, I have been spending the past number of days butchering trimming all of the shrubs surrounding our home. I have 2 sides of the house finished thus far, because as I go along, I weed, and cleaning up all the trimmings, takes forever. I figure another 2 or 3 days and I will be finished with all the shrubs.
The previous owners loved working in the yard, they were retired, that's what they did, so all the shrubs were trimmed beautifully. The down side...I have to keep up the shrub trimming, or it looks like crap. I think that, if the former owners drove by, they would have heart failure, to see the state of the lopsided shrubs, but their eyes would bug out if they saw all the fantastic changes that have been made to the interior of the house. So, why am I on this little jaunt? Sunday, I was watching The CBS Sunday Morning Show and they showed a man, Pearl Fryar, who's yard was just amazing. He said that it takes 2 weeks to trim all the topiaries, and by that time, he has to start all over again. He does all the trimming with hedge trimmer and snippers...just like me! I on the other hand, do the shrubs once in the spring, and begrudgingly, and only what I have to do, in the fall. I do plant and pull weeds all the time, but the shrubs kill me.
So, I spent the day doing yard work, and by the time I finished, my arms, my hands and my back were all screaming in pain. I asked Eammon, what he would like for dinner, thinking maybe, he would want to take me out, but NOOOOO, he says that he would LOVE for me to make sushi. So, after a long day in the yard, I compromised and made what I call lazy sushi...all nigiri. I had grilled eel at home, so I went to the store, for tuna and salmon. I could only find sushi grade salmon, so we ended up having a full plate of saki (salmon) and unagi (eel) nigiri. Isn't it lovely!!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Sometimes it pays to stalk the postman

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

So what got me on this little rant? A few things contributed to this; First, I realized that I'm suffering from a new disease. Thanks to Mary-Mia, for discovering this new disease, EMS and for informing me and it seems many, soon to be adoptive parents that we suffer together from the same symptoms. When I first read about EMS I tried to deny it as I said to myself, "even though I know that the mail does not arrive before 5PM, it might just be there" or "it's good cardio exercise walking to the mail box and opening that little door numerous times a day, must count as strength training" or better yet, "it smells so gorgeous outside with the jasmine and honeysuckle all in bloom, I just want to breathe in the fresh air". But in the end, truth be told, I'm addicted to checking my mailbox and I continue to be disappointed as nothing has arrived yet from USCIS. Help Mary-Mia, is there a 12 step program for this or do you think we should start an EMS support group?
OK, second on my list of why I am on this anticipation rant. When I was going out of the subdivision this morning, I saw all the pool furniture neatly arranged around the recently cleaned pool all in preparation for the pool opening on May 21st, the day after school lets out. Yes, schools in Cobb County finish their year on May 20th! But what it got me thinking about was, I have NEVER gone to our pool. When open, it is filled with children and their parents, it's loud and busy, so I have preferred to sit on my dock at waters edge, reading my book, listening instead to ducks, geese and bird songs. But then I realized, next year at this time, I will be looking forward to the pool opening, so that I can bring little baby Shanahan. How cool is that??
Well, my anticipation rant is over as I need to go do some weeding and yard work. I think I'll check the weeds near the mailbox first...just in case.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Eammon's new passport arrived!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005
It's babies galore!

Monday, May 02, 2005
No more disposable organs for my man!