I want to first thank everyone who sent along good thoughts, prayers, cards, messages, emails and flowers as they all really helped to make being so sick somewhat easier. I'm happy to report that after 9 nights in the hospital I'm finally home but oh the stories I could tell. Five totally crazy roommates and total days lost because I was so sick and out of it. I still have a tremendous amount of recovery to do with the pneumonia as it was/is so extensive and I am still quite sick. Also, a few other medical issues were discovered whilst I was in the hospital but those are things I'll have to deal with in the near future. All-in-all it's good to be home and especially to have Maisie back in my arms. Going a week without seeing her was rough and I hope to never have to do that again.
Yesterday I had Maisie scheduled to be at a drop-off care facility in the morning so that Eammon could go into work for a few hours. He dropped her off and headed to work only to be sick on the way there having to stop to throw-up a few times. Gets to work and shortly after they sent him home because he was so sick. He heads back to pick-up Maisie and when he goes into get her he sort of passes away in a cold sweat with shivers. They lay him out in the lounge for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours until he's ready to drive again and bring Maisie home. He gets home and calls me at the hospital to tell me that he thinks he has the flu with things coming out of both ends. I tried to make some arrangements but it was late already and I knew that I'd be out of the hospital this morning and so I told him to suck-it-up (nice wife that I am) and just make due because honestly there was nothing that I could have done.
This morning he calls to tell me about his horrific night and how sick he was and how Maisie really did okay, was very protective of him and that he was too sick to come out to get me. My neighbors had offered help so when it was time to leave the hospital they came to get me and brought me home along with some homemade chicken soups and cookies (Big thanks Gene & Mary!!). I came home to find not only a total disaster in the house where Maisie had ravaged the cabinets of cookies, fruity jelly and granola bars but that Eammon did have stuff spewing out of both ends and couldn't even keep water in him. I called the doctor and they told us to come over.
So there I was fresh out of the hospital, supposed to be on as much bed rest as possible for the next week or two, driving Eammon to the doc only to be pulled over in a school zone for speeding. So I pulled over for the officer and was in the middle of a chest rattling coughing fit with black and blue puncture marks up and down my arms, only to have Eammon sort of pour himself out of the car on to the grass to start throwing up again. Then there's Maisie in the back seat sound asleep in her car seat. I then totally lost it breaking down crying because...well I'm fresh out of the hospital, still quite sick, exhausted and run down and it was just all too much for me. The officer didn't want to touch my license or anything else I would hand him but they did want to call an ambulance for us which in the end we didn't get and thankfully I didn't get a ticket either. I finally got Eammon to the doc where they ran all sort of tests and even took xrays checking him for pneumonia and hopefully we'll have some results and info tomorrow.
We're now all home now and have all the meds necessary (hopefully) to get us through the next few days. We have offers of meals to come over the next week which is so appreciated and not having to worry about shopping, cooking or getting everyone fed is a great relief. Hopefully too, fluids will start staying in Eammon and he won't have to be hospitalized. Maisie is not 100% as this has been traumatic on her and though she did
SO much better than I could have imagined, she has regressed some. Most noticeably Maisie's wanting to sleep in her crib again, has had a few wetting accidents and of course she's being super clingy but I know she'll bounce back once we can get our lives back on a normal schedule and I know that soon life will return to normal.
Thanks again for all the good thoughts, wishes, prayers, help, meals and everything else as it's all truly appreciated.