Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The sad commentary of my life

Well, what can I say about our holiday weekend. While Mary-Mia & Rod were chilling in Hawaii, and Tony & Jen were relaxing at St. Pete Beach in Florida, and Donna & Eric were basking in the glow of baby Hannah ... I power washed the driveway! What does that say about my life...sad, sad, sad. Now, we're not total losers, we did have options, and invitations, but it was nice to have a quiet weekend at home. Plus, my friends Rich & Karen are coming today, to visit for a few days!! So, their impending visit was the impetus to get some projects finished around the house. But trust me, I wouldn't power wash the driveway for anyone, even if Lizzie Windsor was visiting, as it is mind numbingly boring, this project was done for me! Rich & Karen's trip from Connecticut, with their two children, Hayley & Brandon, has included visits to Hershey Park, Dollywood and Pidgeon Forge.

Today, once they arrive, was to be a down day, hanging out at the pool and relaxing after all their fun-filled days and lots of driving...But alas, Cindy has come a calling.
For the two days that Rich, Karen & Family will be visiting, Atlanta will have nothing but rain from Tropical Storm Cindy. I can tell you one thing, our daughter will not be named Cindy!

Authentication Update: Our documents that were sent to the Chinese Consulate in Houston were received, according to the USPS, on Saturday, July 2nd. So, hopefully they made it to someone's desk who really wants to get them authenticated and returned to us ASAP!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Thanks for the blog plug. The real truth is I am a bit of a home body and love just spending my time off at home, while Jen is the travel fiend. I guess being a military brat I got over the travelling biz a long time ago. BTW I too spent a couple weekends ago pressure washing my driveway, back breaking but somehow strangely theraputic.


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