Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 ~ A year of Maisie

JanuaryJanuary was a pretty laid back month for us as we sort of needed a bit of “down” time after December being almost a full month of travel between two weeks in Aruba and then two weeks in England.  January wasn’t a month without fun though as Maisie enjoyed play time with friends, we did a lot of cooking together and we even spent a fun day hiking up Kennesaw Mountain.  It was also fun for Maisie to return to her normal schedule of school and gymnastics as she missed both of them as well as all her class and team mates while we were away.

FebruaryFebruary was a busy month filled with play dates, birthday parties, Chinese New Year parties and celebrations, playtime in the snow as well as fun times at school with pajama day and a great Valentine’s party.

MarchMarch brought more snow which I wasn’t thrilled with but which Maisie loved.  The weather caused some school delays and cancellations but that didn’t stop Maisie from getting her work done as she adored doing homework.  March was also the month where we found out that Maisie was accepted on to team at her gym.  And of course no month is complete without plenty of play dates and time with friends.

AprilApril was a great month.  We started the month by beginning our garden and then Maisie had a fun Easter party at school.  If that wasn’t fun enough, our month ended with our trans-Atlantic Disney cruise where we visited Castaway Cay then had six sea days before visiting Funchal, Cádiz, Gibraltar and Barcelona.  The cruise was such a great experience for Maisie and we really did it at the perfect age as she just adored the Princesses and characters and found it all to be magical and fun.

MayMay brought the end of kindergarten for Maisie and the beginning of summer.  Maisie had a great year at school but we were both ready for a change in our schedule and a bit more free time together.  Unfortunately I had a few medical issues which put a bit of a damper on the beginning of our summer break but we did find a few fun ways to fill our days.

JuneJune was an extremely busy and super fun month, it’s what summer is all about.  There were play dates, birthday parties, fun times with friends and in the garden, time at the pool, pool play dates, Maisie’s first Elite Gymnastics Team Camp, regular gymnastics camp, lunch dates, Maisie’s first bowling experience and days that Maisie referred to as super-spectacular-wonderful-fabulous days.  What a fun month!

JulyOther than Maisie coming down with a stomach virus the highlight of July had to be our annual trip to Salt Lake City to spend time with our adoption bloggy friends, it’s always so much fun and we love spending time with everyone.  July also brought the end of gymnastics camp and the realization that it was almost time for the school year to begin again. 

AugustEven though August meant back to school and a regular schedule it was another awesome and fun month filled with some wonderful firsts. Maisie started first grade and competed at her first gymnastics meet where she did great and had a blast!  The month wasn’t all work as there was still time for lunch dates, play dates, birthday parties, partying with friends and as always, special time with friends.

SeptemberThe highlight of September was our western Caribbean family cruise.  When Maisie wasn’t off cruising, at school or gymnastics practice, she was spending time with friends and having busy weekends.

OctoberOctober is Maisie’s birthday month so I tried to make it extra special for her.  Leading up to her birthday, Maisie celebrated her birthday at school with her classmates, enjoyed high tea with Mama, attended a cooking class at a local restaurant and met up with friends for our annual trip to the maize maze.  On the day of her birthday we celebrated at her favorite place in the world, the gym.  Maisie also spent time with her favorite pals K & A and weekends were fun with pumpkin carving parties and trips to the apple orchard and a Halloween weekend of a birthday party, neighborhood party and finally a trick-or-treating party, a month of parties!

Maisie competed in her second gymnastics meet in October and it turned out to be her best meet of the year as she medaled in all events, taking first place on vault and first all-around.

NovemberThe things that stand out the most to me from November are Maisie’s school presentations as I am just over the top so proud of how well she presented.  Maisie’s Abe Lincoln presentation put tears in my eyes as she did so well and the courage she had to sing her water cycle presentation before her class, well that gave me goose bumps.  I just love my girl! 

November was filled with so many fun activities.   Play dates with friends, two birthday parties in one day and getting to try out Tae kwon do, a super fun and very long day at Rock Ranch, Maisie’s third and final gymnastics meet of the year, a class field trip to the library and cooking time with Mama.  Then there was yet another birthday party and good time with friends before Thanksgiving and time with Grandma & Grandpa.  November had a great ending with the arrival of Maisie’s elf Mortimer and a video from Santa as well as pajama day at school, what a fun life for my little five year old.        

[IMG_4840a[3]December was another fun month for Maisie as it was filled with holiday celebrations,  two weeks on the beach in Aruba with Grandma, Grandpa & friends and then when we returned home, we experienced a white Christmas.  While in Aruba we celebrated our four year Family Day anniversary.  Time just seems to be flying by, another year older and another year gone. 

2010 was a very good year and everyday Maisie brought joy to our lives.  Now we look ahead to all the new adventures and changes that 2011 will bring. We wish everyone a wonderful New Year and happy 2011!


  1. Happy 2011! What a great summary of a fun-filled, blessed year!

  2. What an amazing year you all had! I'm so glad Bri, Doug and I got to be a part of it!

    Happy New Year!

  3. I loved your April, July and September.....uhhhh, warmth and water and summer. See, I am tired of the snow. It is 8 degrees today. You guys ahd a great year! You always do so much.

    Maise sure grew!

  4. Happy 2011!!!
    What an awesome 2010 you guys had, my friend! Here's to another wonderful year.

  5. What a busy year for pretty little Maisie! I see lots of big smiles and lots of fun being had. I wish your health troubles were not sandwiched in among the good times, but it's always something, isn't it? I'll bet 2011 has even more wonderful adventures in store for you and your girl.

  6. I love the recap and some of the photos are just priceless! Happy New Year to all of you.


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