Maisie is enjoying her final week of gymnastics camp and probably like last year, she'll ask me for months about when she can return to camp telling me how much she loved and misses camp and why can't it be all the time. I'm so happy that she loves it and desires to be there but reminding her that it only happens during summer vacation for months and months gets tiring. Her favorite place is the gym and her twice weekly practice just isn't enough gymnastics to fill her need to be there, but that's how it is until summer camp 2010.
When we were in SLC Maisie just loved using Eliza's Leapster and a few times since we've returned she's played with A's during the drive home from camp.
What else has been going on? We had a nice weekend with fabulous sunny & dry weather so there was a lot of outdoor and pool time which was fun. Saturday I met up with my friend Judy, whom I haven't seen since Maisie's 2 year birthday party. We had a nice brunch together at Cafe Intermezzo and then did a little shopping together. Sunday morning K & A's Mom and I went down to the international farmer's market where we both loaded up on foods, spices and various ingredients from probably twenty different countries so our larders are full. We each bought some prepared Asian foods so that night after an afternoon at the pool we assembled a nice little buffet and had a nice dinner together. While at the market I scored some Rainier cherries for $1.99/lb and oh the pity, I'm the only one who likes them...woohoo I'm in cherry heaven! I also purchased a cantaloupe that was close to the size of a watermelon and it's amazingly sweet and tender so Maisie has been loving it. I've been getting Maisie outfitted with the necessary clothes for school and tomorrow while she's at camp I'm off to purchase her required school supply shopping list. Guess that sums it up for this post, life in our home and with the little gamer Maisie.