Sunday, October 30, 2005

Tell me it isn't so!!

Melissclued me into this on the CCAA website:

How long will it take approximately the CCAA from the time of accepting the adoption application to thetime of issuing "Notice of Coming to China for Adoption of Children"?

Date:12,Oct,2005 Source: CCAA

The duration from the time the CCAA accepts the adoption application to the time it issues the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption of Children is restricted by various factors, such as the number of foreign adopters’ applications and the number of children who can be placed out for inter-country adoption; whether or not the adopters’ desire could be met; and whether or not the supplementary materials and the feedback of Letter Seeking Confirmation from the Adopters can be received in time, etc. At present, it will take the CCAA about 12 months from the time of accepting the adoption application to the time of issuing the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption of Children.


  1. Lisa, someone on another site mentioned that this paragraph on the CCAA site was old. They said it was just moved to the new site and that changed the "update" date to a more current date. I hope they're right!

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Oh, please please say that the 12 month thing is a hoax, a farce, anything but true.

    Now of course the more they tell me I have to wait the more I want her home NOW. I'm sure you understand.

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Of course, I don't know anything for sure...but I just want to say that when I was waiting in 2001-2003 it said it took about 12 months on the CCAA site and I waited almost 15 months for my referral. I think this is out of date information. The website was given a face lift, but I don't think the information was updated!! I hope things don't slow down.
    Michele, mom to Emily (3 years old) and waiting for TA for Alyssa (born 3-17-05). Hang in there.........

  4. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed and praying we are still somewhat on track. (We're LID 4/6) I was reading on the two Yahoo boards I belong to that someone said last week it said 8 months...not 12 so they believed that the change was pretty recent. I can't say because until this weekend I've never visited their site. I've resolved to getting a referral in December but bless us if it takes longer.


  5. You know, I don't want to sound all Pollyanna here, but I'm choosing to believe they're going with the good business practice of "under commit, over deliver". It seems to be extreme to go from 6 months to 12 months, right?

    Yeah, yeah I know, optimistic people suck.

    Ok, worse case scenario, we're all together in this one and I can't think of a better group I'd want to hang with.

    Thinking of you.

  6. All of this uncertainty is enough to drive ya nuts. I hate this!

  7. WHAT!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I sure hope this isn't true.

  8. Okay, I felt a sense of despair until I read your comments and now I feel a little better. Thank God for commenters!

  9. Hello Lisa - I am just checking out your website for the first time - very nice - enjoyed browsing it.

    Your foreign visitors - wow - you have lots - i find that interesting also - looking at the visitor paths.

    The May05dtc chat group has also been talking about this statement on the CCAA webpage. Some insist that it just changed from 8 months to 12 within the last few weeks. Others say it is old. I emailed our adoption coordinator and asked about all the 'rumors' i was reading on the message board and i posted her response, if you're interested, but you probably have your own sources!

    keep up the great blogging!

  10. Anonymous6:16 AM

    We just got official notice from our agency to realistically expect referral waits of 8-9 months. Although, this too can change.

  11. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Hi Lisa. I love your website. I'm in your July Dragonflies group. Unfortunately I don't have any news to share about the workings of CCAA, but I hope we both have a short wait until we get our referrals!
    LID July 20, 2005 for Sydney (or Twins!)

  12. Anonymous12:31 AM

    omg! I hope that is wrong, for all of you waiting. My friends took less than 7 months from applying to the agency to bringing their daughter home in April 2005. That included homestudy and all I believe. Dang.


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