Today I spent my day watching and listening as four strange men traipsed through my home banging, cutting and doing who knows what, as they replaced all three of our 18 yr. old a/c systems with brand spanking new ones. In addition to the new systems, they added four additional returns (hence the cutting), replaced four registers with new ones that should help improve airflow and added three fancy new electronic, programmable thermostats. During their long hours in the attic and crawl spaces, they managed to knock out our satellite but luckily for them they quickly remedied that situation. I feel sort of bad for these guys but I guess it could have been worse. It is only 85F today so not as hot as it has been, but I can only imagine how hot it was up in the attic.
I am hoping that this will be our last major expense for a very long time as this wasn't the way I had planned on spending my last few pennies (need more adorable pink baby outfits) before the arrival of Baby S. But at least she will be one cool, comfortable little baby once she's finally here.
4 AC units? How big is the palace that you are calling home?
Yeah... holy cow! That's a lot of cool air! LOL