Saturday, September 17, 2005

July Dragonfly Secret Pal

In a previous post I mentioned that I had been out shopping for my secret pals, which was a lot of fun. But even more fun was today when I received a wonderful package from my July dtc group secret pal. She sent a wonderful book on parenting that I haven't read yet. As soon as I opened the package, I had to start on it and I can't wait to read more. The book is extremely interesting and if you don't have the book, I can already recommend that you add it to your reading list. She also sent a red thread bookmark with ladybugs. What a perfect gift for a reader like myself. In addition she included a gift card to The Cheesecake Factory where I can get one of my all time favorite lunches, consisting of The Incredible Grilled Eggplant Sandwich. This months theme was something for Mom, and she definitely has me figured out and is spoiling me and I love it! I hope that my secret pals enjoy their gifts as much as I love mine! Thanks my dragonfly pal!


  1. Awww, that is so nice! Your secret pal rocks.

    (I, on the other hand, am a crappy secret pal and can think of NOTHING to get for my pal for the "something for mom" theme. I need help!)

  2. Now that's a clever secret pal! What a great gift.

  3. Lisa...
    Awesome...I was about to write exactly what Mary-Mia said...
    Your pal rocks! I am putting the book on my Amazon list!

  4. What fun stuff to get in the mail!

  5. Hi Lisa, I am so jealous!! I can't wait to join a DTC group, heck, I can't wait to be DTC. It is just the sweetest thing - the secret pals! How wonderful.

    I am positive your secret pal will love her gift from you! Stephe

    P.S. Sorry to stress you out on my Blog. I moved my list to a link.

  6. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Hi. I was looking through sites and found yours. I was going to write, "Good luck on your adoption process. I hope everything goes well!"

    But instead, my message is, "I'm completely jealous of your secret pal package!!"

    A Playful Parenting book AND a Cheesecake Factory gift card...congratulations!!


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