Friday, April 24, 2009

Another week gone

It's M3's Fashion Challenge Friday and today Maisie picked out a Marie t-shirt, pink & orange polka dot shorts, hot pink Hello Kitty socks and pink sparkly sneakers and she proudly proclaimed that she was dressed in pink.

I have to say that Maisie is good at matching her clothes together but of course when you almost always go for pink, it's not too difficult. I'm lucky in that Maisie doesn't care what she wears as far as dresses, pants, skirts or shorts, she's just very easy going and when I dress her, whatever I put on her she's happy. When she dresses herself she quickly decides what she wants and thankfully doesn't create a giant mess of discarded clothes. To see her other fashion choices see: week 1 (but Baba helped so it really doesn't count), week 2, week 3.

We had a huge storm roll through last night with so much lightning that our house looked like a disco, just incredible. Of course all the thunder and light flashes woke Maisie and scared the cr@p out of her so I ended up taking the little kicking, constant motion, bed hogging girl to bed with me so this morning I'm bruised and tired, what else is new.

First thing this morning I had to take Maisie for a doctors appointment and once home next door neighbor A came over to play for a bit. Maisie and A had fun playing with trains, beads, in Maisie's kitchen and of course jumping on the trampoline. They were so cute together and played very well.

This has been a good week and WOW has it flown by. Now it's time to have lunch and then we're off to ballet. Wishing everyone a great weekend.


  1. She's a little fashionista! I love, love, love the Marie favorite disney movie! Have a fab weekend!

  2. Stylin'! And those socks match perfectly (you could find them in the dark, huh!)


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  3. Yup, she's a cutie in "pink". And I checked out the dress-up on the post below. Too cute!!

    So, who do you think has more fun with this. The kiddos of the moms? ;-)


  4. Cute!! I just got those polka-dot shorts for Ro, she is going to love seeing this picture. Cheers.

  5. She looks cute as usual! I have one of those kicking, constant motion, bed hogging girls too!!! Hope you get some rest tonight!

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    April sleeps just like that when she's in our bed. Moves around, kicks, squishes, etc. And I got stuck in Orlando from that storm here. We had a 7;30 flight that took off at 11:30.

    I just saw "Marie" at EPCOT ( I was down there to speak at a conference) yesterday having her picture taken with all the admirers. Maisie has good taste in her clothes selections

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    oops, forgot to sign my name --


  8. What a great little outfit she put together! Way to go Maizie! Ahhh....shorts!

    Sounds like a fun week.

  9. Love the outfit...and so agreeable with what you decide she will wear....enjoy it. When we hit four it turned into skirts and dresses only, all in pink of course. We are just getting back to wearing anything else without a fight. I think she realizes sometimes play is easier in pants!

  10. Love the color combo! She is such a cutie pie. :)

  11. She is really good at putting an outfit together. I wondered last night when I watched the news, what it would be like for you in that storm. Sounds like it was exciting.

  12. Wow, she's a real fashionista!! I've been wanting to participate in the Friday Fashion Challenge but just haven't had the timr (or the will to have Naomi take out every clothing item she owns) lol.

    I can't wait for the ballet lessons to start! We have to wait 'till she's three (in the fall).


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