Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Picture day

Maisie had a bit of a rough night last night, which of course means I was up but basically today we had another good day but it seemed wicked busy. This morning we were all up early as we had to take Eammon's car to the shop to have the power steering worked on. So we caravaned to the shop, dropped off Eammon's car and then Eammon and Maisie dropped me back at the house and they headed to Maisie's school for 'doughnuts with Dad' day. Maisie loved having her Baba at school with her and gave Eammon a tour of her classroom. While I had an hour to myself, I worked on firming up plans for the trip Maisie and I are taking to Florida the beginning of June. We now have six trips on the calendar before the end of the year! Eammon then came home and he and I returned to the shop to pick up his car but on my way home I had to make a stop to pick up a few items. I returned home for about 20 minutes then it was time to go pick Maisie up from school.

From school we headed to Maisie's ballet school as it was picture day. All the little girls looked absolutely stinking adorable and look look, Maisie even allowed her teacher Miss Lisa to pull her hair back and put in a bow! Maisie was so into having her picture taken and did fabu with the photographer, posing and doing exactly as she was told, I can't wait to see her picture and the group photo too. After the photo shoot I was going to just waste the bit of excess time doing a little shopping but Maisie was tired and fell asleep in the car so we returned home for 30 minutes and then we were off to gymnastics. We returned home at 5:30, just in time for me to make dinner which trust me, was fast, easy and nothing special. Maisie's now in bed and after all the back and forth busyness of the day I'm just vegging on the sofa worn out, contemplating going to bed soon myself and thinking that I'm thankful that petrol isn't $4 per gallon right now.

Also can you believe it, two posts within two days...Haven't done that in ages!


  1. Oh wow...that picture of your ballerina is just precious. I love it.

    Whew, reading about your day has me worn out!

  2. Very cute picture! And good job with all the posts!

  3. She looks totally perfect! I think I should have a donut with dad day. Heck, any day should be have a donut day.

  4. A bow, I can't believe it! She's adorable.

  5. she makes one cute ballerina :)

  6. You are definitely on a blogging roll! :)

    She looks really stinkin' cute!

    I'm tired just reading your post!

  7. Oh my gosh how darling!!! (And your post also makes me want donuts now, mmmmm)

  8. O.M.G how adorable...can't believe I missed that you had this blog too....duh!
    BTW my verification word is dustanc - have you been peeking under my house definitely could be called a dust tank right now;)

  9. She looks so adorable in her tutu!!!

  10. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Too cute!

    Tess has Picture Day next week!

  11. She looks absolutely adorable! What a cute ballerina.


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