Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday road trip

I do numerous 4-10 mile drives day-after-day taking Maisie and I to and from all our varied activities but very rarely do I take my car onto the highway or out for a long drive. But here it is, that time a year when I have to take my poor old Volvo in for it's emissions test. Because my car is 18 years old with 209,000 miles on it and I consistently do short little trips, the car builds up gunk which just doesn't get burned off. About five years ago my car failed the emissions test and the guy that ran the test told me to get a bottle of G2P and follow the directions. I did exactly what the box said and the next morning I took the car back to be retested and it passed with great numbers. So now each year before I take the car for its test I add a bottle of G2P to gas tank and take the car out for a highway road trip.

Back in November Kathy, Chani, Maisie and I spent a weekend up in Chattanooga and the girls just loved the Creative Discovery Museum. So I thought perfect, a great way to spend the day and in my car, the trip from Atlanta to Chattanooga almost completely burns through a tank of petrol. Maisie was so excited to go back to the museum and it was a beautiful day so it was perfect. Also perfect was that Maisie napped for an hour of each of the two hour drives.

We had fun at the museum, Eammon and Maisie both painted their faces and pretended to be archaeologists digging up dinosaur bones, we saw lots of bugs, we played on computers, did crafts, played different musical instruments, pretended to be a doctor, had fun will electricity and air flow and worked our muscles spinning ourselves around in circles and pulling ourselves up on a pulley chair. For some odd reason though, my freshly charged camera battery decided not to work so I only took a few piccies with my iPhone.

After our time at the museum we went out for an early dinner where Maisie ate like she hadn't eaten in a week and then we drove home. It was a really fun day and the museum up in Chattanooga was so fun and is exponentially superior to the boring and pathetic children's museum here in Atlanta. Honestly if you live here in Atlanta, take a trip north and visit the museum in Chattanooga and you'll never return to the one here.

We're ready for another fun and busy week, keeping my fingers crossed that it's another good one for us as we seem to be having a nice string of good days, laissez les bons temps rouler!


  1. We love that museum as well.

  2. Sounds like a great destination for that necessary road trip.

    Glad to hear your picky gal ate like a champ :0)

  3. Looks like you three had a great time. Days like that make our memories.

  4. First of, great splits! Second, road trips are great. And it sounds like you are killing to birds with one stone. Like the cat pic of your hubby.

  5. That looks like GREAT fun! I must let hubby know about that stuff for the car....he plans to drive my old Subaru into the ground!!

  6. Sounds like lots of fun! Bri loved that museum too! Lots of fun stuff to do!

  7. That museum looks like so much fun! What a great (educational) trip!


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