Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Spring break Wednesday

IMG_6009Maisie spent a couple of hours this morning at her friend/classmate Maya’s home.  Maisie was a bit hesitant about staying at Maya’s house without me because other than when she goes next door to K & A’s house, I’m always with her on play dates.  Once at Maya’s the girls were all giggly and smiles and Maisie forgot all about me as she immediately ran off with her friend.  After a few minutes of talking with Maya’s Mom Cecilie, I headed out to run an errand and do a little cleaning at home. 

It seemed really weird and lonely for me to leave Maisie and not have her with me all morning.  I’m not really sure why I missed her so much today as she goes to school and activities without me all the time.  Maybe it’s just that it’s spring break and I sort of had it in my mind that other than gymnastics she would be with me all week.  I don’t know…but when it was time to go an pick up my girl I was one happy Mama.

IMG_6019Two hours after leaving Maisie I returned to Maya’s house and the girls were eating a lunch of peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches.  I have to say that peanut butter and lettuce seemed a bit weird to me and I’m not sure that I would even want to try it but it’s one of Maya’s favorites, Maisie ate it and it’s healthy enough so who am I to judge???  I did ask Maisie if she would want peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches again and she said “no thank you.”  Even though she doesn’t want to eat that sandwich again I have to say that she was a good little guest and did eat what was served.

IMG_6024Maya’s house is right near Maisie’s gym so we had planned the day so that I could take her straight to practice.  We arrived a bit early so Maisie had time to eat a string cheese, even though she had finished eating lunch not even 20 minutes earlier, and also hang out with fellow gymnast Kaylee.

I can’t believe that spring break is half over, the days have been busy, fun and are flying by.  Our plans for tomorrow unfortunately just had to be cancelled and postponed so I’ll have to think of something fun that Maisie and I can enjoy together without too much out door time as the Georgia pollen is really bothering both of us.


Today is day six in my quest to blog each and every day this month as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days.  A big thank you to those who have commented or emailed blog post suggestions.  Please keep the ideas coming as once the fun-filled days of spring break are over I’ll be needing all the help I can get!


  1. Hmmm, peanut butter and lettuce. I would say that is quite interesting. *Shiver* Ha!

    So glad you are having a great week so far!

    (It really is flying by quickly, isn't it?

  2. ;) I've had peanut butter and cheese... not sure about the lettuce combo?!!

  3. Peanut butter and lettuce? Hmm, I dunno about that. However, I was once persuaded to try a peanut butter burger (regular hamburger with peanut butter smeared on the bun) and I had to admit, it was rather tasty, so I guess you just never know.

    Include a post of one of your fabulous meals!

  4. Sorry... logged in under different user again! ScrappyBug is me... Lee-Anne (aka OziMum or Aust2China!)

  5. Please tell Maisie-girl I would say "no thank you" to peanut butter and lettuce sandwiches too.

  6. It looks like the girls had a blast. What fun it is to see our children play with other, and thoroughly enjoy every moment. Have fun with the rest of Spring Break!

  7. Oh, I'm not sure I would want a peanut butter and lettuce sandwich either! Though I guess people do eat peanut butter and celery... so maybe it's not too big of a jump from celery to lettuce? Glad you are having a great week. And yes, spring break is going by WAY too fast!


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