Thursday, April 07, 2011

Spring break Thursday

Our original plans for today included meeting up with some FCC play group friends at a painting studio where everyone would paint a canvas and then we’d all go out for lunch together.  The owner of the studio sort of flaked on us and even though the gal who was arranging the day booked and confirmed the day, the owner at the last minute realized that it was spring break week and oh, she’s not going to be open.  When we found out that our original plans wouldn’t be happening, Maisie and I made plans to meet up with one of the gals and her daughter for pottery painting and lunch but unfortunately the little girl came down with something and after a visit to the doctor yesterday those plans had to cancelled.  So, plans for today just kept changing and changing but in the end Maisie and I had a fun day together, just the two of us.

Our day started out really well as Maisie slept until 7:15 which is really late for her and allowed me some extra rest.  Then she just wanted to eat a granola bar and watch a show while lounging in bed. PER-FECT a great way to start my day!!

A little while back I bought a DS “game” for Maisie and tucked it away thinking that I would put it in her Easter basket.  This morning we were looking at some books and I was thinking of taking her to the library but then I remembered the “game” and decided to give it to her.  Junior Classic Books and Fairytales essentially turns her DS into an e-reader.  I thought that Maisie would really enjoy it but she absolutely LOVED it, carried it with her all day and was hooked!  Today she read Rapunzel.

IMG_6053Maisie looked so grown up, legs crossed, reading her e-book.  What has happened to my little girl, she’s growing up too quickly!

Since all of our plans got cancelled for today I thought that I would use a Groupon and Living Social deal to take my girl out for lunch and a treat on the cheap! 

IMG_6058On our way to lunch there’s a house that we pass that does over the top holiday decorations and today we checked out their Easter display.

IMG_6054It is always fun to see their holiday displays and I’m always thankful that someone else does this because I couldn’t even imagine the time, work and effort that goes into getting it all up and then taking it all down and packing it away.  Very fun though.

IMG_6059Here is Maisie still reading while waiting for her lunch.  It was a gorgeous day here in Georgia and so nice to be able to enjoy our meal outside.

IMG_6067After lunch we headed out to Scoops which is a charming ice cream, coffee, candy and cake shop.  Maisie’s favorites are the chewy candies.

IMG_6077The shop is a lot of fun and they have a great party room with gumball tables.

IMG_6081Jars, walls and racks of candy, there’s really something for everyone.

IMG_6095Maisie has attitude in front of the fresh made candy case. 

IMG_6097We had a nice conversation with the owner Pam, she is just darling and was so sweet with Maisie.  

We then ran a few errands and didn’t return home until late afternoon.  Both of us had only eaten half of our lunch so we had those leftovers for dinner, played a round of Game of Life and then it was bedtime for Maisie after another fun filled day.

We have great plans for tomorrow and Maisie is super excited so she quickly went to sleep and I hopefully won’t be far behind her.

SpringFling[10] Today is day seven in my quest to blog each and every day this month as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days.  A big thank you to those who have commented or emailed blog post suggestions.  So far a lot of people are asking for recipes, cooking tips and bentos so I will be doing those.  Please keep the ideas coming though as once the fun-filled days of spring break are over I’ll be needing all the help I can get!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time. We have a Scoops near us and the girls love it. Maisie did look very grown up with her boots and reading her ds. She was too cute.

  2. No way, those Easter decorations are huge!!!! Ro and Ree would go crazy for that house (and I'd be with you thanking my lucky stars that someone else was doing it).

  3. What a fun mommy-daughter day you two had. I love her little e-reader, and I agree with you... she looks so mature with her legs crossed, reading her "book."

  4. Awe, now THAT is my perfect kind of day. Sometimes I miss just having Linlee and being able to enjoy a day like that. (Now we have about three hours between Holly's morning and afternoon naps and it's just a whole lot more complicated with a baby.) I think your Thursday sounded perfect.

    Oh, and that Easter house - FUN!

  5. Wow...that Easter house is amazing! What fun to live where you can enjoy someone else's decorating without the trouble of doing it yourself! (Heh...I only took my Christmas wreaths off the front of the house 2 weeks ago! I'll blame the snow ;o)

    What a great day for the 2 of you to share together with a special lunch and yummy candy! what a fun store!

    Glad you had such a great spring break together!


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