Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Spring break Tuesday

Today Maisie and I met up with friends from our from our second and third kids cooking class, Jenny, Kelley and Kevin (and Kevin’s friend Antonio) for a fun play day.

IMG_5980Our morning started when we met at a local bowling alley.  It wasn’t until we were getting ready to leave that another group arrived so it was a little weird being in a very quiet bowling alley but it was nice having the place to ourselves. 

IMG_5981Kelley and Maisie were so sweet helping each other with the heavy balls.

IMG_5966Maisie lining up her shot.

IMG_5963Checking out Kelley’s roll.

IMG_5971Jenny hugging Maisie and Kelley while the boys bowled. 

IMG_5987Maisie loved the feel of the fan blowing her hair.

IMG_5989Antonio and Kevin.

IMG_5990All the children had fun and bowled well with Kelley & Maisie both ending the game with the exact same score.

IMG_5994After bowling everyone was hungry and Maisie chose the local Chinese/Hibachi/Sushi place and it was a big hit with all the children.  Receiving balloons at the end of their meal was an added bonus.

IMG_5999After lunch we headed to Jenny’s home where the girls had fun drawing and writing notes to one another and playing.  Maisie was in no rush to leave at the end of our visit.  The entire drive home Maisie told me that she missed Kelley and asked when they would play again, how soon could I arrange the next play date and how long would it be until we could put a date on her calendar…Guess she really enjoyed her time with Kelley.  I know that I really enjoyed the day as Jenny is as much, if not more, into cooking as I am so we had lots and lots to talk about and we’re looking forward to a shopping and cooking day together for us while the little girls play.

IMG_6007aOnce home Maisie couldn’t wait to play the Game of Life, it’s her new favorite activity.


Today was another fun day for Maisie & Mama and now I’m five down and 25 to go in my quest to blog each and every day this month as I’m participating in what M3’s has now dubbed Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days.  Thank you to those who have commented or emailed blog post suggestions, please keep them coming as once the fun-filled days of spring break are over I’ll be needing all the help I can get!


  1. I bet Linlee wishes you were her mama for spring break. You always do such an excellent job of packing fun into Maisie's days! Fabulous job with the pictures, too.

  2. Well if you looking for suggestions, you KNOW I'm always interested in your recipes. :-))))


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