Friday, April 22, 2011

School Easter party

Yesterday Maisie had a blast at her school Easter egg hunt and party.  A number of her classmates were out or away for the holiday so the kindergarteners joined the first graders for the fun.

IMG_6656Maisie and Maya hugging on each other before the craft began.

IMG_6657Starting to decorate their eggs.

IMG_6660Maisie making her egg girly and pretty.

IMG_6674Maisie proudly showing off her finished egg.

IMG_6680The children lined up and excited to go to the playground to find some eggs.

IMG_6690And they’re off!!

IMG_6684There were plenty of eggs to find.

IMG_6691The children had fun searching the playground.

IMG_6694 Playing was part of the fun too.

IMG_6698Once the children found all their eggs they sat down to check out what treats & treasures they held.

IMG_6700After a few treats they sat down to enjoy their bunny cupcakes and juice.  Between the kindergarten and first grade classes there were six students out so only eight little children at the party, but they had fun. 

IMG_6710Maisie only ate the ears off the bunny followed by a lick of frosting.

The children all enjoyed the craft, the egg hunt, the playtime and the cupcakes so another successful party at school.

SpringFling[10]Day twenty-two in my quest to post 30 days in a row as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days. Other than a brief mention in one post about the garden and my having to resort to talking about nits, I think that I haven’t yet fallen to the depths of boring daily pictures or endless posts of seedling growing, so I think I’m still doing well and going strong!  If you have any suggestions or ideas on blog topics or things you’d like to know, please leave them in the comments or shoot me an email.  Thank you for following along with Moments with Maisie and we love all the comments.


  1. Looks like she had a great time. I love the sweater Maisie is wearing.

  2. Awe, now that looks like a fun Friday!

  3. So fun! She looked like she had a blast at the hunt!


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