Thursday, April 21, 2011

Maisie & Leah in 75 minutes

Yesterday Maisie’s classmate Leah came home from school with us for a short while between school and Maisie’s gymnastics.  Seventy-five minutes to be exact from the time we arrived home till the time we walked out the door to head to gymnastics and it was a packed 75 minutes.

IMG_6621As soon as we arrived home the girls sat down to do their homework and there was quite a bit for them to do.  They started with a practice spelling test in preparation for the real one today and then they moved on to classifying sentences marking nouns, verbs, adjectives, articles, adverbs, prepositions, object of the preposition, complete object, complete predicate…Shoot, I’m glad they knew what they were doing.  Next they had a page of rhyming words and another one of words to which they had to properly add different suffixes.  They then moved on to two pages of math problems followed by reading a short rhyming book of more math problems.  Once they finished math they read a couple of pages of a story and answered comprehension problems.  To end their homework they had to write a seven sentence two-point expository paragraph on their favorite summer activities.  Like I said there was quite a bit for them to get through but the girls rocked through it and still had time for a treat and a little playtime.

IMG_6626The girls taste tested the cupcakes that Maisie and I made for their class Easter party. 

IMG_6633After Maisie put on her leotard and a tee-shirt the girls got silly making pig noses in the mirror.

IMG_6634They did bridges and walked like crabs.

IMG_6638And had a hula hoop contest…all in one hour and fifteen minutes! 

It was a whirlwind of work and fun but all through it the girls enjoyed themselves.  The three of us then piled into the car and took Maisie to her gymnastics practice.  Leah and I watched for a bit and then I drove her home. The busyness didn’t end as I then returned home, got Maisie’s dinner on the table, did a tiny bit of work then was off to pick her up at the gym.  Once home Maisie ate her dinner, she got ready for bed, we did bedtime routine and she was off to sleep.  For the first night since last Friday my intense headache, vertigo and nausea had subsided enough that I actually didn’t get into bed at the same time as Maisie so I was able to get a few things done.  I packed lunches for both Eammon and Maisie, got some things cleaned up and while playing on the computer I watched my recordings of Deadliest Catch, Survivor and House…some relaxation at last!  Life is busy but it’s always fun!

SpringFling[10]Day twenty-one in my quest to post 30 days in a row as I’m participating in M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days.  If you have any suggestions or ideas on blog topics or things you’d like to know, please leave them in the comments or shoot me an email.  Thank you for following along with Moments with Maisie and we love all the comments and emails.


  1. My Goodness!!!
    That is a LOT of homework!!

    You sure have a busy packed afternoon!

    I'm glad you were able to get some quiet time and rest!

  2. I can't wrap my mind around that Bri will have that much homework one day. Ugh!

    Love the pig noses. :D

  3. Awesome to hear that you're feeling better today!

    I'm bone tired, but that's pretty normal around here. :-)

  4. Holy cow, you've been feeling poorly since last Friday? How awful. Gosh, I hope you can avoid anesthesia as much as possible in the future.

    Those darling girls did have a lot of homework. My goodness!


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