Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Maisie’s landforms presentation

Maisie’s newest presentation took a few days to put together as we decided that we would make an edible landforms display that Maisie and her classmates could eat after her presentation. 

IMG_5320It started off with making some fresh baked brownies which would prove to be a perfect and delicious base.  Maisie loves to help bake and cracking eggs is one of her favorite jobs.

IMG_5327Stirring everything together is fun too.

IMG_5331But licking the spoon is the best part.

IMG_5346The batter passed the Maisie taste test and she thinks that her classmates will also approve.

IMG_5355Tuesday after school and homework Maisie made the snow capped marshmallow mountains.

IMG_5358And a chocolate chip cookie island.

IMG_5369Maisie with her completed, edible, landforms project.  

IMG_5380Chocolate brownie base (yes we cheated and used a mix) with mountains made from Marshmallow Supremes topped with chocolate cookie icing & white nonpareils.  The plateaus are three different sizes of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups.  The lake, river & ocean are blue cookie icing topped with blue sugar crystals and the plains, valley and land are green cookie icing topped with coconut which was tinted green and green sugar crystals.  The sand is white cookie icing topped with brown sugar.  The island is a chocolate chip cookie topped with green cookie icing, football mix sprinkles and a Hershey’s Kiss volcano.

This morning all the children did their landform presentations and everyone did a great job.  Maisie was the last to present as Miss. Lisa knew that Maisie’s project was going to be shared and eaten!  All the children were excited once Maisie completed her presentation and questions and couldn’t wait to get a piece of her project. 

Maisie’s classmates as well as the kindergarteners who watched the presentations enjoyed the landform brownies but sweetest of all, Maisie rated yet another* perfect presentation and project grade.


* Maisie’s first presentation:  Maisie as Abe Lincoln ~ 11-4-2010.
Maisie's second presentation: Maisie sings the water cycle ~ 11-17-2010.


  1. That was awesome! It looked great and I bet it tasted good.

  2. Totally adorable. First off, Lauren also loves the egg cracking and spoon licking the best. They would be so cute baking together. Secondly, what a great project idea to make it edible. She did a great job presenting and I still love her husky voice. You've got a great kid...but you already know that, right? ;)


  3. Oh my gosh, that project looks too pretty to eat! I love Maisie's big, proud smile when she is holding the finished product for the camera. You two are just too creative! (I bet it was interesting trying to cut everybody in the class a "fair" piece. LOL!)

  4. That is the best idea ever! It looks so great and I bet it was delicious! Good job guys.

  5. Its Laurel....the plumptom. Kid logged in on my computer and I didn't even notice. Sorry.

  6. That is just the coolest presentation ever!!! (I will probably be saying that again to you... wink). Looks like you both enjoyed some fun time together.

  7. She's so soft spoken in the video. My son would be booming his voice outward. It was lovely to hear such a demur child :) as I fear that is something we just don't have in this house. Great project idea, Mom.


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