Monday, February 28, 2011

Fire station field trip

Every month if all the children in Maisie’s class do their homework each and every night, on the last day of the month they get a special treat of their choice.  This month the children requested a trip to the fire station and today was reward day.  This month the kindergarteners joined in the fun as well as a couple of young siblings, a trip to the fire house is very exciting!

photo (31)Sean, Maya & Maisie buckled and ready to go.

photo (30)Learning about the jaws of life.

photo (29)Maisie and friends making themselves comfortable in the fire truck.  

photo (19)Watching Fireman Joey putting on his gear.

photo (11)Checking out the inside of the fire engine.

photo (10)Classmates Sean, Maya, Maisie and Brandon (kindergarten.)

photo (5)Maisie driving the fire engine.

photo (9)Maya & Maisie in front of the fire engine.

photoAll the kindergarten and first graders in front of the fire engine with our Fireman guides.  Seeing Maisie wearing the fire hat reminded me of the last time she wore one (look how tiny, sad yet adorable she looked) when a group picture and being held by anyone other than me made Maisie a very upset little girl.  Good to see that phase over with and to have her happy and still adorable!

It was a fun time and I heard chatter that the children would like to visit a Police station next month, we shall see!


  1. Awww, cute stuff! I love visiting the firehouse.

    LOL - I remember that post from when Maisie was little. She did not like that fireman!! :D

  2. ha, I had forgotten all of your post that involved a group shot and a crying Maisie!

  3. Too cool! We love firehouse fieldtrips. Love the outfit she is wearing.

  4. This is Laurel. Kill the kid. on my computer again and didn't notice. The above comment is me. Sheesh.


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