Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Hanging with Bri

There was no school today because of election day so Maisie and I had a fun play date and lunch with Lisa & Briana.  As soon as we arrived at Lisa’s house the girls were off chatting and playing together having no need or desire to hang with the Mamas…they’re growing up!!  Bri and Maisie always love being together and totally enjoy each others company which works out really well as Lisa and I always enjoy our time together and that the girls are happy too, that just makes it perfect

IMG_3562It’s always hugs when the girls get together…

IMG_3563and smiles too.  Aren’t these two just stinking adorable! 

IMG_3577There was so much to play with, the Lego Duplo circus set, the sushi set, play time in the kitchen and fun with all the various Disney dolls.  It wasn’t long though before the girls were hungry so Lisa made a nice lunch for all of us and then the play continued.

IMG_3579There were piano playing princesses.

IMG_3589And even some work at the whiteboard.

IMG_3599Both Maisie and Bri are super active so a bit of limbo helped use up some energy.  Maisie really loved Bri’s limbo set and found new and interesting ways to go under the bar.  Here she is going under doing a backbend walk.   

IMG_3603Bri going under the bar doing a bear walk.

IMG_3602Splits under the bar worked too.

IMG_3619After all the activity it was time to get creative so out came the Play-Doh where the girls entertained themselves for a long time, allowing Lisa and I to sit, relax and chat.  As always we enjoyed our time with Lisa and Bri and only wish that it wasn’t so long between lunch and play dates. 

Maisie was tired and actually fell asleep on the drive home then once home A came over to play for a bit before dinner.  It has been a good five day weekend but tomorrow it’s back to school for Maisie so we made it an early night to bed. 

On Thursday Maisie has to do a 2-3 minute presentation on Abraham Lincoln.  She did her presentation for Lisa & Bri early in the day, then once home she did her presentation for Anne & A and then before bed she got in another practice run, this time for the camera.  As a totally biased proud Mama I think she does really well with her presentation and now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she does well when she presents before her class.   


  1. Awww, you are fast with the posts! Thanks so much for coming over. It is always great fun. I love how much Bri and Maisie enjoy each other. And I loved being Maisie's audience for her speech. She is too cute!

    You got some great shots that I am probably going to swipe. :)

    Hope to see you very again soon!

  2. Anonymous9:29 PM

    I can't believe that Maisie just turned 5 and speaks so well and can do a presentation that well. My daughter couldn't do that when she was in first grade and she was 7. Good luck to her when she performs before her class.


  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Too cute. I love how she writes the numbers in the air and how when Abe is shot in the head, she shoots herself as far up the hat as she can reach!

    Judy B.

  4. Love that outfit Maisie is wearing --if only it were in my size ;)

  5. Bri and Maisie sure do know how to party! What fun and those splits were impressive! :)

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. I can't believe that Maisie's tennis shoes match her outfit - SO cute! I think my favorite pic is of the two little princesses playing the piano.

    I am blown away by Maisie's presentation. I taught second grade for ten years and don't remember having a student as eloquent and well spoken as Maisie. She sounds more like a fourth grader. WOW.

  7. What a fun play date! So glad the mommy's had a great visit, too. And Maisie's presentation? WOW! That was so good! Yay Maisie!

  8. I love the "I had to walk 12 miles to buy a book" part! She is just so darn cute. Hope her presentation went well!

  9. Great job, Abe!
    You're mighty CUTE!

    Miss Lila n Atlanta

  10. Such a fun time for all four of you. Great pictures.


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