Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Four years ago today

My goodness I can’t believe that it’s already been and yet it’s only been four years since we first laid eyes on the sweet face of our cue ball cutie Wan Chun Miao.  In so many ways it feels like a lifetime that Maisie has been with us but in other ways it feels so brief, she’s still my little baby girl so how can it already be four years??

Maisie referral Shoot just typing that, seeing this picture and reading the comments from that day four years ago, I have tears in my eyes.  I remembering what a special day it was and how I couldn’t wait to just jump on a plane to bring my baby girl home. 

MaisieWave.1Especially the next day when I received the picture of my sweet baby waving at me with those anxious eyes, oh my I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her and hold her tight. 

IMG_3635 Here it is four years later and every day I am thankful that I have my sweet and special Maisie Miao Miao as my daughter.  How lucky am I that each and every day I get to hold her tight, snuggle and kiss her and have her in my life.  My precious little girl.  


  1. I remember the excitement for that day!!! Wow.. was that 4 yrs ago? Happy referral day!

  2. I can't believe it's been 4 yr already! I remember seeing those adorable pictures!! We were watching all the families going before us just hanging on their every word so we knew what to do when our turn came! And we're still watching to see what we're in for raising these amazing girls ;)

  3. Happy referral anniversary! I can't believe it has been 4 years. I definitely remember the excitement from that day. :)

    I'll always remember your referral anniversary because Nov 3 was my log in date for Bri!

  4. 4 years. Wow. Just like I can't believe Maisie turned 5!

    Happy, happy day!


  5. 4 years! Wow. Time flies. We will be at 4 years in March. Aren't we so lucky!

  6. Awe, happy referral day! That was one cute (bald!) baby and she is one beautiful five year old.

  7. Hard to believe that it's been that long. That's longer than Chani's been alive. Wild. Happy anniversary!!


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