Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

We have had a busy and fun Halloween weekend but it seems that all our weekends lately have been busy and fun so life is good!  I did though realize and learn a few things this weekend.  First, I realized how much I love Maisie’s sweet and sassy haircut and how, in my opinion, long hair is overwhelming and too much for her to really carry off.  I also learned having my hair with bangs is a bad choice as is black hair and maybe even straight hair…oh so not good!

IMG_3511Saturday morning Maisie and I worked on a Halloween house together and it was good fun.  I love these foam houses, no messy frosting or tempting candy to eat.  This is the third foam house that we’ve made and we always have fun together making and decorating them.  Our two previous foam homes were both made in 2009, a Valentine’s Day house and an Easter house

Andrew birthday partyClaire (front), Katie & Maisie having fun swinging together at the birthday party.  (Photo by Katie’s Mom, Ann) 

Saturday afternoon Eammon took Maisie to Andrew’s birthday party which allowed me some time to catch up on a few things around the house and do a bit of cooking.  Once they got back home we all headed out for a teppanyaki dinner with Steve, Anne, K & A.  It was good fun and the children were having so much fun together we decided to continue the evening together and watch a movie.  The children played and watched a movie in one room while the adults were in another room relaxing and watching Finding Neverland.  By the time the movies ended and we walked home it was 11PM.  After a busy day and late night Maisie fell asleep quickly.  I thought and hoped that she would sleep through the night and late in the morning but it was another night of not sleeping though the night as she awoke at 4am.  Thankfully she was only up for about 40 minutes, compared to her usual 2-3 hours.  This morning Maisie “slept in” until 7:40 and tired me had prepared again so that when she awoke I handed her a box of cereal, some water and a book and she was happy until I was ready to get up. 

Once up Maisie and I headed next door where she played with K & A and I helped Anne cutting and chopping as she was making chili for a Halloween dinner chili bar.  Before we knew it, it was time to head up to the pool for our neighborhood Halloween party.  Last year for Halloween K & Maisie wanted to dress the same, both as gymnasts and this year again they wanted to dress the same but as Asian princesses, such cuties.

IMG_3525Maisie, K & A ready to go to the neighborhood Halloween party.

IMG_3526See what I mean about my hair.  Black is not a good color for me, bangs do nothing and the straight hair…not quite working.  One other thing I learned is that there’s no way I could ever pass for being Asian.  Though Maisie looks cute with the long hair…shoot the girl looks adorable no matter what, I think that her short little sassy wedge cut suits her face, size and personality much better.

IMG_3529K & A with their pet cat Anne. 

IMG_3534The neighborhood organized a really good party.  Maisie had fun winning lots of prizes and eating doughnuts on a string, popcorn, candies and so many other treats.  I enjoyed seeing some of our neighbors whom I haven’t seen in ages and it was great to catch up with them. 

IMG_3548All the little games were fun and geared towards the little kids.  They also had a witches walk which I thought Maisie might be frightened by but she adored it and went through it probably four times.  

IMG_3556K, Maisie & A lined up and ready for the parade of costumes.

After fun times at the neighborhood party we headed home and then it was time for the party at Steve and Anne’s to begin.  We of course had fun with all the neighbors, the food was great and the children had fun playing.  Once it started to get a bit dark all the Dads took the children trick-or-treating while the Moms hung back passing out candy.  It was a fun day and Maisie had a blast this year with her friends, dressing up and with the entire Halloween experience.  Tonight was another late night for Maisie but thankfully tomorrow is a teacher’s work day and Tuesday is election day so I have until Wednesday to get her back off the sugar and back on schedule.  Hope that everyone had a great Halloween.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Looks like you had a great Halloween weekend. April loved trick or treating. She knew when she had enough and decided to come home. :) See you next Saturday!


  2. Where do you get those foam houses, at a craft store? That looks totally fun. Linlee might like a project like that.

    I think you and Maisie looked darling! Boy, Halloween is an "event" in your neighborhood. We just went trick-or-treating. LOL!

  3. What a fun weekend! Maisie looked so cute in her costume! I think you looked pretty cute yourself!

    See ya tomorrow!

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM


    What was Eammon's costume? ; )

  5. That is definitely the PERFECT haircut for Maisie. It fits her to a T and I love how it's stacked up shorter in the cute.

    Love your costumes. Sounds like you had a great Halloween. Oh, I have to look for the foam house kit...was it a kit? That looks like a fun craft to do together.

  6. How fun! The long hair wig on Maisie looks so real, and she is absolutely gorgeous! I agree about not being able to pass for Asian, I couldn't do it either. Looks like you all enjoyed yourselves.


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