Sunday, August 01, 2010

Slow & laid back weekend

IMG_2040We’ve had a pretty quiet and laid back weekend which was a nice change of pace.  I’m especially relaxed as yesterday I nipped off for a nice little two hour massage followed by lunch with my friend Judy while Eammon spent the day with Maisie.  Today we had a lazy, slow start and then Steve and I pulled veggies and fruits from the garden.  Today’s harvest included a couple of cucumbers, lots of grape & cherry tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, two gala melons, one huge super-sweet watermelon, basil and then late this afternoon I pulled 4 pounds of spinach and didn’t even make a dent in what’s out there.  We also harvested some of the pumpkins and just a few of our butternut squashes.  K & Maisie were more than happy to pose for a picture with the squash, now let’s hope that they’ll enjoy eating some of it too because there’s a lot more where this batch came from!

We have two weeks before school starts so Maisie and I are going to hook up with some friends, enjoy our last little bit of summer fun-times together and also get prepared for the school year.  Maisie is so excited to return to school and especially to see her classmates again.


  1. Yes, just a few squash! What will you do with it all? I have 24 lbs of cherries (purchased) that I need to transform into something tomorrow!

  2. Sounds like you're having a bumper harvest! Those squash look yummy! I am the only one in the house that eats them so I'd waste a lot if I grew them though I may next year. So jealous that you have watermelon already too. We have 2 that are like grapefruit sized and not ready at all. Enjoy all your YUMMIES!!

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I've been shopping in the wrong places. I need to come and shop at your "farmer's market."


  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Hi Lisa and Maisie,
    I've been following your blog for over a year now and just thought I'd stop in and say hello.
    I enjoy your blog very much. Especially all your travels.
    I live in Georgia too. In a little town called Fairburn. It's South of the airport on the way to Peachtree City.
    Miss Lila

  5. I am totally cracking up over the picture. What in the world are you going to do with that much Butternutt squash?


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