Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Wednesday iPhone pictures

Today Maisie and I met up with Lisa & Briana at Bahama Breeze where Lisa and I ate and chatted for three hours while the little girls ran down the batteries on our iPhones, played together, ate mac & cheese and ice cream and were on their best behavior.  It was fun meeting up and always great to spend time with friends.

photo (1)

After lunch Maisie and I headed to the gym for her practice and today was her day to lead her teammates in their stretching.   photo2

Tomorrow & Friday Maisie and I have pretty quiet days together.  Right now the only thing on our calendar is a doctors appointment for me tomorrow afternoon and Friday Maisie returns to her swimming lessons after a four week break which she’s very excited about as she can’t wait to get back in the pool again and see her instructor Miss Rosemary.  The public schools in our county start tomorrow so now that all the kiddos won’t be at the children’s hair salon, we may be adding a haircut to Maisie’s schedule.  I’m enjoying these last days of summer with my girl before school starts on August 16, which is another thing that Maisie is looking forward to starting as she can’t wait to see her classmates again.  How did these past three months pass so quickly and I can’t believe how early school begins here in Georgia but I guess I’ll appreciate it on May 12 when school ends and summer break begins again.


  1. It was so good seeing you and Miss M today! The girls were so good, weren't they? :D It was so fun!

    See ya Sat! ;)

  2. What fun that you're able to have such a close friendship with Briana and her mommy. Great for both little girls and mommies too.

    It's funny how school years go. You begin 3 weeks earlier than our kiddos but end 6 weeks earlier! Hmmmm. I won't tell the kids in our area or they'll be jealous! :o)

    Have fun with all your activities Maisie!

  3. Hope everything goes well at the doctor and at the return to swim lessons!

    I love how she got to be the leader. I vote she gets to do it everytime....she is the cutest!

  4. Lisa, I love Maisie's orange dress in the first picture! Colleen and I were just talking the other day about how cute Maisie's clothes are. Summer has gone by quickly this year! Will Maisie be going to 1st grade? Rachel isn't starting school until the 2nd week of September, which seems late to me. But I'm happy to have her home with me a few more weeks. I think it will be hard for me to have her go, but I know she will love it! :)


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