Thursday, July 29, 2010

It’s almost over…

Gymnastics camp that is.  I can’t believe that tomorrow is the last day of gymnastics camp and poor Maisie is just heartbroken.  The entire school year she talked about and looked forward to camp and given the opportunity, she would be there everyday, year round but now the thought of having to wait until next summer just makes her so very sad. 

Tonight after camp she was doing some gymnastics at home and had us watch what she called “Kaity’s move.”  Why Kaity’s move?  Because she’s seen her friend Kaity practice this sitting to handstand move and decided that it’s her move and that’s what it should be called.  I can’t believe the strength she has to muscle herself up but she amazes me all the time.

Our garden continues to grow with the big producers now being melons, early gala, passport and watermelon.  Check out the watermelon tomato gazpacho and vanilla scented melon soup recipes that I’ve made with our homegrown melons and are on my Cook Lisa Cook blog.  Jalapeno peppers…oh my gosh we need to make some batches of poppers with those, we have so many.  We also have baskets and baskets of tomatoes of various varieties and they’re all delicious.  Our butternut squash are sweetening on the vine and we’ll be harvesting, curing and storing those in the near future.  Also our pumpkins are just about ready to pick, cure and store for the fall.  The cucumbers have run their course but Steve planted some of the seeds and we should see a second crop before the growing season ends.  Our eggplants are coming along nicely and we should be eating some of those in the next week or two and we’re continuously harvesting zucchini which has been nice.  Oh yeah long beans, we’ve been enjoying those too and they’ll keep producing for quite sometime.  I have been harvesting and freezing batch after batch of spinach and basil so those will be nice to pull from the freezer and enjoy come winter.   Steve’s fig tree is bursting with figs so I’m contemplating making jam which will be a first for me.  I love fig jam and if I make it myself I can make it sugar free which would be great.

Both Steve’s family and ours as well as many of our neighbors and friends have been enjoying all the fruits and vegetables but us humans are not the only ones, check out one of our little tomato thieves enjoying a treat!



  1. Wow Maisie! That was great!! Hannah and I are so glad that you have enjoyed gymnastics camp so much. Hopefully there will be lots of other opportunities for you to enjoy the gym soon. You're an amazing little gymnast that's for sure!!

    Veggies sound great! Will need to check out your cooking blog for some meal ideas. I'm not very creative when it comes to veggies so I'm sure Hannah would like mommy to see what you suggest.

  2. Oh my! Maisie is amazing!

    I love reading about your garden, Lisa. I would so love to have a green thumb.

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Glad Maisie had such a wonderful gymnastics camp this summer - it is hard to believe school starts so soon already. It seems like it just ended.

    Your garden is marvelous. And I love the photo of the little critter enjoying a tomato


  4. Hello, I've decided to come out of hiding. I've been reading your blog for quite some time and I must say that I think you are very amazing.
    Your Maizie is just beautiful and I am thrilled that she is doing so, so well.
    I think you and your husband are awesome parents. I love how you are raising your sweet girl.
    I love your recipes.
    I am a Mom of 8 children (7 living). 5 of our children are bio and 3 are adopted. I am also a grandma. I used to be a teacher, but I think once a teacher always a teacher.
    Thanks for writing such a great blog. I will continue enjoying it.

  5. I can't believe summer is almost over! I'm so glad Maisie had such a fun time at gymnastics class.

    I am so envious of all those amazing fruit and vegetables you have!

    Looking so forward to seeing you on Wednesday. :D

  6. I cannot believe your little Maisie. That is one talented child - wow!

    I'm still in awe of your garden. My little strawberry patch never even really produced this summer. (No green thumb here. Boo.)

  7. Elise6:53 PM

    Wow, Maisie is quite the gymnast! She definitely has talent and promise.

    Your garden has been such a success, what a green thumb you and your neighbor have! What a fun, rewarding and yummy experience this must have been for you guys.

  8. I have been out of town for a week! So wonderful to catch up on everything.

    Maises is amazing. I am loving your cute little thief. Who could be made at that.

    I will e mail you tonight!!

  9. We love to watch Maisie's videos! Maddy is super excited about doing gymnastics this year. :)


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