Monday, August 30, 2010

Just a quickie

IMG_2323Much to Maisie’s delight, K & A spent the night with us Thursday and Maisie loved having them here when she awoke in the morning.  She also loved that K would carry her around and K seemed to enjoy doing it. 

IMG_2328K had a spelling test Friday so before Maisie and I walked K & A to the bus stop Maisie tested K on her words.

IMG_2340Maisie and Eammon have really gotten into building with Lincoln Logs and each day a new structure goes up.  Here’s Maisie Friday afternoon with the structure du jour just before we headed out for her swimming lesson.

Yogli MogliMaisie K & A were together from Thursday after school until Friday morning then from after school until late bedtime Friday night, then from breakfast to bedtime on both Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday afternoon Maisie went with K, A & Anne for a bit of shopping as well as a pedicure & out for lunch and she had a blast!  On Sunday after we all enjoyed dinner together Eammon and I took the kids to Yogli Mogli for dessert as a nice little way to end their long weekend together.  We figured out that except for school lunch on Friday, the three children ate every meal together from Thursday night though Sunday night!  It’s so great that they always have so much fun and love being together. 

While Eammon and Maisie have been having fun with the Lincoln logs and the children have been keeping one another busy, I have been doing some experimental sous vide cooking which has been awesome.  Sunday morning for breakfast Eammon, Anne and I had the most perfectly cooked and delicious steak and eggs that we’ve ever tasted.  Can’t wait until this coming weekend to make some more eggs and not sure what else but those eggs were out of this world!  Maybe I’ll even get pictures of the food before we devour everything.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    We all just discovered Yogli Mogli on Sunday - we must've been there a few hours before you all hit it. April wants to go back next weekend when we see my Mom. We just did a taste test on Sunday.


  2. I've never even heard of sous vide cooking before. Definitely take pictures of your meals!

    How wonderful that Maisie has such good friends to spend time with. (I sure wish little Rachel lived next door to us instead of 45 minutes away.)

  3. What a fun long weekend Maisie had with her friends! I've never heard of sous vide, either...though I'm happy to report I'm cooking again! :)

  4. You know, I have to say...I am so stinkin' happy that Frozen Yogurt has made such a big comeback. It's arriving here in Texas in full-force - and thank God!

    And the Lincoln Logs...don't even get me started! ;o)

  5. Never heard of Yogli Mogli!


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