Monday, August 23, 2010

Summer Fun Meet

4913419915_6b0d41fe33_o(photo by Angie)
Maisie had an absolute blast at her very first gymnastics meet and can’t wait to compete again.  Maisie did very well and we are just so very proud of her.  Her entire team really stepped it up, put their best performances forward and they all did great! 

I had my concerns and doubts about how Maisie would perform or hold up as the night before we had huge thunder and lightning storms roll through the area so Maisie had fitful sleep all night and was completely awake from 1-3am.  We had to be at the gym very early and come wake-up time of 6am, she really didn’t want to get out of bed but once up, she got going and had a fabulous day.

IMG_2217Maisie dressed and ready to head to the meet. 

IMG_2229Maisie and teammate Mara ready for the meet to begin.

IMG_2238NMGC girls getting ready for their warm-up stretches

IMG_2253General stretch.

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Coach Dena giving Maisie and her teammates a little pep-talk before the meet.

I’m so proud of my girl, she did so well!!  In the end, Maisie walked away with 4 medals, vault, beam, floor and all-around a pretty fantastic day!

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Maisie took first place on the vault with a 9.05.

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Maisie with all her teammates for all-around medals.  1st: Savannah, 2nd: Mara, 3rd: Maisie, 4th: Aspen, 5th: Caroline, 6th: Gracie, 7th: Taylor, 8th: Tia.   

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Caroline, Savannah, Maisie and Mara.

IMG_2288Maisie & Aspen with Coach Dena.

IMG_2290K & A cheered Maisie on.  K made a great sign and A brought Maisie flowers!  

After the meet Eammon, Maisie and I along with Anne, K & A went out for a delicious spicy Sichuan lunch at one of our favorite places.  We then headed back home where Maisie, K and A stayed with Eammon and played while Anne & I headed to the store to pick up ingredients for a dinner party she was hosting.  Anne and I then spent the rest of the afternoon cooking and then we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. 

IMG_2303Come 8:30 though Maisie and I were done, exhausted and ready for bed so we headed home.  I took out the little buns which had been in all day and Maisie was absolutely delighted with her curly hair!  She said that she and I looked like twins and she had to rush back next door to K & A’s to show off her curls!  

9.0 board summer fun meet1At Maisie’s gym they post the names, by level, of all the gymnasts who attain a 9.0 or better.  When we arrived at the gym today we got to see Maisie’s name displayed on the Club 9.0 board!

Maisie has only two more meets this year, one in each October and November.  Because of our cruise in September she’ll miss that meet and in December she’ll miss State Meet because it’s the first weekend we’re in Aruba.  Now that my little girl is competing I’ll have to work our vacation schedule not only around school but her meet schedule!


  1. She did awesome!!! Great job Maisie!


  2. Way to go Maisie!! She looked fantastic out there! A true champion! :D

  3. Oh My Gosh, Maisie you ROCKED!!! Congrats on a great meet (and I still can't get over the cuteness of those little buns).

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Congratulations Maisie!

  5. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Way to go, Maisie!!! So proud of you and all your hard work!


  6. Congratulations, Maisie! You rocked it, girl! Awesome job!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  7. She is amazing! Wow. She is so cute to boot.

  8. She looks so proud of herself...and indeed she should be. What a little talent!

  9. My gosh, Maisie is absolutely incredible. I really am in awe of your little girl. It must be such a thrill to watch her excel like that. How wonderful!

    By the way, I noticed my mother several times on that list of names with the score of 9.0 or better; her name is Kathleen Kelly. I didn't even know she was competing. LOL!

  10. That top pic gave me goosebumps! She looks like a total pro!

  11. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I stand by my original comment - we'll be seeing Maisie in the Olympics when she's 19!


  12. Oh wow Maisie! You rock!!! What a great job you did! Loved watching the video of you competing and will have to show it to Hannah when she wakes up.


  13. Way to go Maisie!!!!

  14. She is definitely headed for the Olympics! :) Congrats Maisie!!! How exciting and fun. I love her curls, and my first thought when I saw that picture was that she looked like you!


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