Monday, September 06, 2010

Just not feeling it lately

Blogging that is, just can’t seem to motivate myself to get pictures taken, get a post up or even check out my bloglines.  Between Maisie’s activities, her school, getting all her homework done, some projects around the house, doctor appointments, insomnia, lots of cooking and some fun times with friends, being online lately just hasn’t been happening. 

We did have a nice Labor Day weekend though spending lots of time with friends.  On Saturday, Maisie, K & A spent the entire day playing together because other than a little time together Thursday night, they hadn’t been together since last Sunday and they all missed one-another.  Saturday night we had a wonderful dinner over at Steve & Anne’s with some other neighbors and some friends.  I made a sous vide boneless leg of lamb which we had as an appetizer, delish!!  Anne made a wonderful butternut soup with squash from our garden as well as one of my favorites, her pea salad.  Steve made beer can chicken which was so moist and tender and our other neighbor Ann made a tasty peach and bourbon cobbler.  It was a fun night with lots of laughs, good company and delicious food.     

Labor Dat weekend 2010The kids were so good playing together and even as we kept them all up way past their bedtimes, they behaved so well.  Maisie and A love being together and are just so sweet, always right next to one another.  

Labor Dat weekend 2010aSunday morning Steve, Anne, K, A, Maisie and I headed over to Chuck E.Cheese so that the kids could play for a bit.  Maisie has been there only once before and she really didn’t enjoy it.  The place seems to overwhelm her and she’s timid there but after some coaxing she did get on the Kiddie Coaster with K and had a blast.  Funny thing is, Maisie’s not timid on real coasters or slides (remember Utah!) but these little fun games aren’t her thing.

Labor Dat weekend 2010bSunday was such a gorgeous day, temps in the 80’s, dry and sunny so we decided to do an afternoon walk along the Chattahoochee.  After dining and playing until after 10PM Saturday night, Chuck E Cheese first thing Sunday morning, some fun playtime mid-day and about an hour and an half of walking the trails, the kids were all pretty tuckered out.  We all returned home and Eammon took Maisie to the pool while I ran a few quick errands, then a quick dinner and Maisie was in bed and asleep before 8PM, one knackered little girl!

IMG_2359This morning Steve called and asked us to join them for breakfast so we headed next door for yet another meal together.  The children of course had a blast playing together, as always.  Anne took A out shoe shopping so K & Maisie played at our house and they had fun making some blinged out foam frames.  After the wee girls ate lunch Anne & A returned from their shopping so Anne and I did a bit of cooking together and the adults ate yet again.  After so much eating we decided to head over to the local elementary school so that we all could get some exercise and the kids could play on the climbing equipment and ride their bikes.  It was good fun until poor K turned her ankle and needed to be taken home to get ice on it.  A came back with Maisie and I and spent time playing over here while Steve & Anne attended to K.  Next thing we knew it was time to eat again so Anne and I pulled out all our leftovers, cooked up a few new things and another delicious meal was enjoyed together.  Because it’s a school night we had to break up the fun early and I managed to get Maisie in bed and asleep by 7:30 and after such a fun and busy weekend she should sleep well and I’m hoping the same for myself!  Maybe a good nights rest will help me get my blogging mojo back, or maybe I just need a vacation. 

Speaking about vacations, we are less than two weeks away from our cruise, woohoo!!  If anyone has suggestions for fun, interesting and Maisie friendly ideas of things to do in our ports of call, please either leave a comment or shoot me an email.  We basically have between seven and nine hours depending on the port, in Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Isla Roatan and Belize so any good ideas are welcome.  Thanks and have a great week!!


  1. I'm with you sistah! I have so much to post...but every night I find myself with no motovation.

    I was, however, motivated to crave some frozen yogurt from that darling photo of the kiddoes!

    I hope all is well. And I'm looking forward to cruise photos and updates.

  2. I loved the turtle farm in Grand Cayman. I think Maisie would really enjoy it. The beaches on Grand Cayman are beautiful no matter where you go. They are so white and the ocean is so blue.

    Have a wonderful trip. We will be at your gym for the Retro Metro meet on the 25th. My daughter is so excited and can't wait.

  3. We are going on our first cruise in November! While we had a choice of the schedule you're doing - we chose to travel the Eastern one instead. I know you are seasoned at this but I am not. If you have ideas for us, I'd love to hear them!

  4. Was Sick to My Stomach for 2 Days - Montazuma Revenue8:48 PM

    Whatever you do, please do not drink ANY water in Grand Cayman.

  5. It was so nice to read your catch up post & see your darling photos. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you have such nice neighbors who are also such good friends of yours and Maisie's. That must be really special for Maisie, almost like having a sister and brother but without any sibling rivalry and just lots of fun and love! :)

    Btw, your cooking skills continue to impress me, to say the least!

  6. I felt that motivation thing or lack of, last week. Being a bit better this week. I am serious thinking you need to go on The Next Food Nextwork Star. You cook things, I can't even pronounce!

    Hope you are doing well. Anymore news from the doctor front?

    And, the day after you emailed me about that yougurt place, I saw one just about 8 minutes from my house. They were having their grand opening. We have places called Fro-Gurt that are similar, but to see your specific place just the day after and having their grand opening was pretty wild!

    Love you guys!!!

  7. I've had the same motivation problem with my blog... for months! If you find the secret to finding the blog mojo, share it with us. I enjoyed this catch up post. I also love how you have such wonderful close friends right next door. I SO wish for that. I always feel pretty isolated where we live. Sometime maybe Colleen and I will find a way to live less than 45 minutes away from each other!

  8. I have blog writer's block much of the time and have to force myself to post most of the time. Not for lack of things to write about but mostly just because we have so much going on that it's hard to find time to post.

    It's so nice that Macie (and her parents!) have such good friends to hang out with. The girls are adorable together! Love the "roller coaster" one! Chuckey Cheese overwhelms my senses too. Much too loud and all those bells and chimes and singing animatronic freaky things.

    Have fun on your cruise! I'm not familiar with your ports of call but know you'll find something awesome to do. Do you have organized tours set up? We did that when we took our Mediterranean cruise this summer. It was worth every extra dollar! We're still trying to figure out where we'll go next summer since you really have to book these things a year in advance. I'm eager to read your report of this cruise! Enjoy!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  9. Sorry to spell Maisie's name wrong. Ugh, I really do know how to spell it but have a friend with a daughter named Macie and was thinking about her since it's their 3 year gotchaversary today. :)



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