Sunday, July 25, 2010

All for one

IMG_1994 And one for all.  IMG_1997 Maisie, K & A have spent the entire weekend together and if they weren’t playing restaurant or school they were Musketeers.  All three love the Barbie and the Three Musketeers movie as well as the corresponding Nintendo DS game

This past week was long and stress-filled and I want to say a big thank you to everyone who sent emails and called to check in on me and an extra special thank you to Anne & Steve who took care of Maisie all day Saturday and kept all of us well fed for the past three days.  Today I’m feeling better but I know that the stress of the week caught up with me as all I wanted was comfort food of soup…yes soup on a day when the heat index was over 100F, so I cooked soup!  I made chicken soup, oxtail soup as well as a refreshing and summer appropriate cold watermelon tomato gazpacho with everything but the garlic and onion pulled from our garden. 

This coming week is Maisie’s last week of gymnastics camp and then we have two weeks off before school starts on August 16th.  I can’t believe that summer is almost over, it passed way to quickly and I’m not sure that I’m ready for the school year to begin again.  Maisie has grown so much over the summer so I need to have her try on her uniforms and see what I need to purchase for the school year, that along with a much needed hair cut once the public school kids return to school on August 5th and purchasing her school supplies, we should be all set. 

Thank you to everyone who entered my MaIsie Eats Bento Yum-Yum Bento Box book giveaway and a big congratulation to the winner, Maryellen.  I hope that you enjoy the book and that your children love the bentos that you’ll make.


  1. Barbie and the Three Musketeers? Seriously, there is a video of that? Too funny! The little princess (or Barbies) and the one knight are adorable.

    Lisa, I'm glad your super-duper hard week is behind you. I know you have a lot on your mind now and I'm wishing comfort and health your way. You are on my mind.

  2. Oh my. I'm sure Rachel would LOVE both that Barbie movie and the Nintendo game! LOL!

    It really has been a difficult week for you. Wish I lived closer so that I could bring you dinner. But then again, I'm not sure you would like much that I cook so that might not exactly be a treat. You and Colleen both intimidate me when it comes to cooking!

    I hope you are able to get some rest and will take extra good care of yourself over this next week as you recover from the stress you've been under. (((Hugs)))

  3. They are so cute!

    We will definitely set up a play date when Maisie is out of gymnastics. Bri doesn't start school until August 16 also. The girls will have fun!

    Hang in there and know I'm thinking of you!


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