Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Days!

Some days can be so.very.trying so when we have good days, especially five or six of them back-to-back-to-back, this Mama is in heaven!! I love when we have good days, woohoo!! We ended last week on a high and it's just continued...another big woohoo!! Sunday we spent a good part of the afternoon watching way too much television but only one thing, over and over as Maisie just adored the DVD that we won from Diana, Prima Princessa presents Swan Lake. From when Maisie and I watched the little video clip I knew that she would love watching the little girls and animals but thought that she might be a little bored watching the actual ballet but that was not the case at all. Maisie just couldn't get enough of it, dancing around and around pointing out all the characters, naming all the steps and completely enjoying the video. I especially loved watching her trying to dance and imitate the ballerinas when she watched the dance of the four baby swans, can't tell you how many times we watched that clip! Thanks again Diana for hosting such a great giveaway.

Sunday night was a late night for me as it was stormy and the tornado sirens sounded somewhere between 10:30 & 11PM with severe thunderstorm & tornado watches continuing until 3am but thankfully, once again we had no damage or problems. Well I had one problem, the power cord for my computer gave out on Sunday so just another computer related problem.

Monday morning Maisie was up early and crawled into bed with me and said "Mama I love you, you're my best girl in the whole world" what a great way to start the week! We had a free morning so we headed to Target to get Maisie some new sneakers and some shorts. Would you believe that she's in a size 2...if they're cinched in. The 18 month ones fit better in the waist but were just a little too short so we went with the twos. We then headed to the computer store to get a new power cord. I brought along the dead one so that I'd be sure to get the correct replacement and the guy who helped me made it easy, showing me the replacement. Yeah, until I got home and found that the new cord didn't want to power my computer...OY. So after nap we returned to the computer store this time with my laptop and $90 later we had a working power cord, another OY! We then headed over to Maisie's gymnastics practice where she just rocked, Maisie just loves her gymnastics.

Last week when Maisie was out riding around on her trike I decided that she had outgrown it and needed a new big girl bike. So today after school and her nap we headed to the store and once there Maisie immediately picked out the bike she wanted and after a little test run down the isle we had our prize. It was a really blustery afternoon but Maisie couldn't wait to tryout her new bike. She was especially excited to be out and riding because her neighbor friends K & A joined her on the street riding along with her. Of course she was riding in part thanks to K & A's Dad as he filled the tires with air and raised up the training wheels a bit. Maisie quickly learned how to use the brakes and even though she needed a little push now and then to go up the slight incline of the road, she did great.

Maisie's really looking forward to tomorrow as it's doughnuts with Dad day at school and she's so excited to have her Baba go to school with her. Hope that we have another great day and that the fun just continues.


  1. That's so funny...I, too, just decided this week that Eliza's trike is WAY too small and we will be getting a new bike soon! Glad you have had good days...hopefully we'll follow suit soon!

  2. Hey, cool new wheels! :-)

  3. So cute on her big girl bike. It is pretty great hearing them say I love you.

  4. Cute Bike! Just got my daughter's bike fixed and she is anxious to get back on it.

    Have fun with your new bike Maisie

  5. LOve your whole post, but my favo was Mamma I love you. You are my best girl! Melt your heart. Love the new wheels!

  6. Maisie just looks awesome on her bike. What a good day!!


  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Great job wearing a helpmet Maisie!

  8. Sounds like some wonderful days! I love Maisie's new bike!

  9. A big toast to GOOD DAYS!!!

    The new ride is lovely :0)


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