Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I finally remembered

Two weeks ago I posted that Maisie had her mill circle and promised that I would take my video camera to the gym to capture it but each and every time we've gone to the gym, I've forgotten. I think I'm losing my mind between forgetting to feed the poor girl and my camera…and often forgetting my phone too…old age is setting in!

The mill circle is the “big” move on the bars that the USA Level 3 girls need to be able to perform and Maisie is rocking them out, just needing a bit of polish. 

bars  e I watch the video and Maisie at the gym and I can’t believe how high she casts for her back hip circle, the girl seems to fly around the bar yet has the control and strength to stop herself and not fly off or back around.

There’s still a month until competition season starts so the little flaws and forgotten arm & hand movements still have time to be worked on but I’m so proud of my amazing Maisie Miao Miao as she’s doing such a wonderful job and this routine is looking so good already.

Maisie eThis is just a snapshot from the video and it’s blurry but I see this move all.the.time as Maisie’s always practicing her round-off.

Untitled 0 00 25-11 e1Another blurry video snapshot but the girl is learning to fly.

Maisie’s beam routine is looking pretty good too and once she has her dismount a bit stronger, she’ll have a solid and strong routine.

beam  eHow she always lands on the beam is beyond me, I can’t even walk the darn thing but she split jumps with ease.

Because Maisie’s practices are three hours long and I don’t hang out at the gym and vault is done in the middle of their practice, I have yet to see her vault.  Her coaches say that she is solid-solid on it so I can’t wait to see it when she competes.

Today I posted a tipsy little drink recipe over on Cook Lisa Cook for a copycat of Outback Steakhouse’s Wallaby Darnedwallaby darnedI’m not sure if it’s good or bad that I have absolutely zero alcohol tolerance because this drink is over-the-top delicious and if I could, I would drink this all.the.time!!  As it is, I can only taste a teaspoon or two before feeling tipsy so I stick with my Watermelon Frosty, Mango Lassi, Mint Lassi and Cantaloupe Agua Fresca and let Eammon enjoy this one all on his own.  Stumble on over to Cook Lisa Cook for the recipe so that you too can also enjoy this wonderful tipsy drink.

Other recent recipes posted on Cook Lisa Cook: Mango Lassi, Stir-Fried Asparagus with Water Chestnuts, Ginger & Cashews, Curried Roast Chicken Pieces with Spicy Sweet Potato & Carrots, Grilled Corn & Bacon Pudding, Oriental Chicken Salad, Potato Salad with Bacon, Coffee Crusted Steak, Home Style Chicken Curry, Watermelon FrostyMango Gazpacho, Toll House Double Stuff Oreo Brownies, Long Beans with Walnuts, Blacksmith Pizza, Rhubarb Crisp, Laksa, Math Book No Bake Cookies, Aloo Gobi, Mint Lassi, Red Curry Chicken, Lamb Curry, Grilled Corn, Avocado & Tomato Salad with Honey Lime Dressing, Baked Egg Cups Two Ways, Thai Peanut Salad, Holy Guacamole and Cantaloupe Agua Fresca.



  1. Great job Maisie! She'll be in great shape by the time competitions begin.

  2. Thank you, I know that she'll do well and no matter how she does I'm her proud Mama so I'll think she was wonderful.

  3. Hi Lisa! Found your blog through a friends' blog and I'm amazed at Maisie's gymnastics skill! How long has she been doing it? My 5-yr-old, Phoebe, was in gymnastics when she was three and is starting up again next month. Maisie was actually Phoebe's inspiration to try again!

  4. That little girl is destined for greatness!

  5. Maisie looks amazing! I can't wait to see how her skills develop.

  6. Wow Maisie! Look at you fly! Great job and beautiful routines!

  7. She is really, really good! I think the thing that amazes me most is her form - how she keeps her posture and her toes pointed!

  8. Oh my heck... she is really doing amazing! Hoping to see her in the Olympics one day.


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