Saturday, April 02, 2011

This is so me!

Yesterday M3 set herself the challenge of posting everyday this month to her blog and I was quick to wish her luck and tell her that she’s a better blogger than me.  But here I am on the second day of April ready with my second blog post and well shoot, I’m just going to follow her lead and try to post each and every day this month.  This should be quite a challenge for me as I am not always…well how do I put it…focused, organized, all-there.  The following little video is a perfect example of how I get through my day so wish me luck on this daily posting gig!

I laughed so hard when I saw this because it is such a PERFECT example of me!!

I looked back at my blog to see what was happening last April 2nd and how funny to see that it was the day that Steve and I started our seeds for the garden. 

IMG_5886We beat it by one day this year as yesterday he and I got some of our seeds started.  We’re so colorful this year!  We have more seeds to start but for now we have butternut squash, jalapeno peppers, scotch bonnet peppers, Jimmy Nardello peppers, watermelon, gala melon and long beans.

IMG_5888Our garden is one giant pile of wood chips right now but very soon it will be bursting with fruits and vegetables and our neighbors will be pretending that they’re not home when we ring their doorbells trying to pawn off bags and bags of produce.

IMG_5873This morning bright and oh-so-very-early the gutter guys arrived to finally complete our roofing job which was started back in early November!!  Between Thanksgiving, us being away most of December in Aruba, then Christmas, New Years, and then my putting it off because of dealing with the burst water line, our schedule, being sick and all the bad weather, well Jupiter must have aligned with Mars as we were home, the gutter guys had an open day and there was beautiful dry weather so the work was completed.  Hallelujah, so glad to have the entire roofing job finished.

After the gutter guys arrived we took my car over to the dealer for its 30K maintenance and then the three of us headed down to Buford Hwy for a dim sum brunch which was just wonderful.  All the waitresses fawned over Maisie and kept trying to speak Mandarin with her.  It was funny as they kept telling us how much of me they saw in her face.  They said that she looked a mix of me and Chinese and kept giving the big, very white, English/Irish guy (Eammon) funny looks as to where he fit into the picture. 

After brunch we headed home, Maisie and I ran a few errands while Eammon rested and then once home again, Eammon took Maisie to the playground. 

IMG_5890While Eammon was on the phone with me checking on the status of my car and when he’d need to take me over to pick it up, poor little Maisie fell and scraped & bruised her chin. 

IMG_5895 Eammon brought her straight home and we got ice on the bruise but within minutes of her falling it started turning black and blue.  Hopefully with icing it, it won’t get much worse than it is currently and we’ll stay accident free from here on in.

Off to Cold Stone to get some ice cream because ice cream heals all hurts.





  1. ROFL laughing! That video is hilarious! That is me too! No wonder my house is always a mess.

    Hope Maisie's chin feels better. Poor thing.

    Can't wait to see how your garden looks this year!

  2. Yay, a good friend joining me in this Spring Fling!!! Fun!

    That video kills me (because it hits so close to home, heh heh).

    Hope icecream cured all (we had some too tonight, come to think of it).

  3. That video is too funny and just like me.... I start one thing, then another, then another and rarely finish anything!!
    I have blogged everyday once in awhile, when several of our months have more than 31 posts. I have a hard time coming up with new material as I don't want to write about work! It's staying as a family blog so sometime run out of news from this boring, typical family! Good luck!

    Hope all is well now with M.'s cut.

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  4. Jeanne6:45 PM

    So envy you with all the different things you are able to grow in your climate, especially all the squashes. We have just planted our potatoes and all the root veggies and have peas and beans waiting to be planted out once all risk of frost is over. I love the view from your garden over the lake it looks idyllic. Looking forward to your daily posts and hope poor Maisie`s chin heals really fast.

  5. Ahhh, poor Maisie. Hope she heals up fast! Good luck with the daily posting. You are definitely a better blogger than me. :)


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