Friday, April 01, 2011

Spring break

IMG_5852Spring break for Maisie began Thursday afternoon when I picked her and her friend/classmate Maya up from school.  These two girls though have a routine and without a word or any prompting from me, the first thing they did when we got home was to pull out their homework and get all their work completed.

IMG_5855They enjoyed doing their work together and It didn’t take them long and they were finished.

IMG_5857Then they were off to play…I think in this picture they were a Mommy and baby lion but who could keep track as they kept changing what they were playing but they had a blast and were well behaved so it didn’t matter.  The two of them loved spending the afternoon together and were both sad to say goodbye when Maya’s Mom came to get her but the girls will get together next week over spring break and they’ll play some more.

IMG_5863My Grandfather made this doll house for my Mother when she was a little girl and then I used it when I was a little girl and it has been tucked away for years just waiting for the next little girl to be ready for it.  It still had the original paint and was in need of a bit of a facelift so over the past week I’ve worked on sanding and painting it in the colors of Maisie’s choosing.  Today the paint was finally dry and Maisie had a blast setting up all the furniture and playing with her new doll house.

IMG_5872Maisie spent a few hours playing with her new doll house and I was so happy to see her enjoying it and having as much fun with it as I remember having as a little girl.

Tonight Eammon returns from a week long business trip so Maisie will enjoy the first weekend of spring break with Mama & Baba before the Mama & Maisie activities of the week begin.


  1. That dollhouse is so pretty! Maisie is going to have so much fun playing with it!

  2. Oh, how wonderful to have a doll house that has been passed down through the generations. What a treasure. Hope Maisie has a wonderful break!


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