Friday, April 15, 2011

Half way to goal

photo (2) Today has been a *very* long and rough day and it’s not even noon!  I’m home and snuggled in bed with Maisie & Eammon taking good care of me.  Later on Eammon will take Maisie to her gymnastics practice and after dinner she’ll come snuggle with her Mama again and hopefully we’ll both get a good nights rest.  Thank you to everyone who sent along good thoughts, wishes, prayers and emails they were all very much appreciated.photo1

Fifteen days in a row blogging, who’d a thunk that I’d make it this far in my quest to blog each and every day this month as part of M3’s Spring Fling! 30 posts in 30 days. SpringFling[10] The last time I posted fifteen or more times in one month was back in November 2010 because it was a wicked busy month with play dates, our four year referral anniversary, Maisie’s Abe Lincoln presentation, two friend’s parties on one day, our final vegetable harvest of the year, Maisie’s third and final USA level 2 gymnastics competition, our totally awesome visit to Rock Ranch,  a school field trip & making Pilgrim hat cookies for her class, Maisie’s musical water cycle presentation, dressing up as a Pilgrim, enjoying a reindeer high tea, another friend’s birthday party, Thanksgiving, the return of Mortimer and a message from Santa and school pajama day.  What a fun month, no wonder I posted so often.  Not that we don’t always have fun months but some are just more chock full of fun than others. 

Again a big thank you for all the comments, keep them coming as we love reading them and knowing that you’re enjoying Moments with Maisie.


  1. I'm surprised you posted today. Glad the procedure is over with and you are home resting tonight.

  2. Oh Lisa! Hope you're up and about soon!

  3. Are you OK..Take care!!!


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