Friday, February 11, 2011

Will winter ever end???

And will I ever be healthy again?  How about making it past 7:30PM before passing out exhausted??  So many questions and I keep thinking that if we could just get some warm, and by that I mean consistently warm weather I’d be less cranky and feeling better and all my answers would be different.  Yes my cold lingers and though I don’t sound as sick as I did last week I still don’t feel well and am totally knackered come Maisie’s bed time.  Thankfully I only have a head cold and it hasn’t dropped into my chest as I don’t need another bout of bronchitis or pneumonia anytime soon…or ever for that matter. 

After our busy weekend, Monday morning I had to drag Maisie out of bed as it was cold and she was exhausted.  Once she finally did get up she had a good day at both school and gymnastics but was happy to snuggle in bed with me when we called it a day at 7:30PM.  We actually both slept well Monday night but our good nights rest just wasn’t enough for either of us as Tuesday morning I had to drag myself out of bed and Eammon carried a limp, still exhausted Maisie to the breakfast table.  Even though Maisie’s cold seems to be gone, I think that’s what had her still dragging as I know that’s what’s kicking my tush.  Tuesday after school Maisie had the afternoon free so I took her to Miss Tina for a haircut and then once home she blew through her homework in mere minutes and then we spent a quiet afternoon playing together.  Eammon was going to be working late so Maisie and I ate an early dinner which we barely made it through as both of us had our heads hanging and couldn’t keep our eyes open.  It was 6:30PM when we crawled into bed together and I know that we didn’t make it awake to 7PM! 

After such an early bedtime we awoke early Wednesday morning and we both felt rested and I was finally starting to feel a bit better.  Maisie had a good day at school and I was able to get a few things done around the house. 

IMG_5162Once home from school Maisie blew through her homework in mere minutes, she played on her computer, changed into her leotard and sweats for gymnastics and then helped me make chicken pies for our dinner… all in 70 minutes.  Maisie had a great practice but between school and 3 hours at the gym it was a long day so once home she was happy to eat her dinner, get washed up and crawl into bed and by 7:40 we were both sleeping.

Thursday we were both up extremely early (the clock said 5 something) and awoke to about an inch of snow…When will it ever end????????  Since we were up extra early, Maisie and I made omelets for breakfast and played for quite a while before school.  We both had good days, Maisie at school and I got a lot accomplished around the house.  After school we came home and in less than 12 minutes Maisie finished all her homework.  We then debated about going out and doing something  but decided to stay indoors as was still so stinking cold.  We live in the deep south it’s not supposed to snow so much and be this cold!!

Today Maisie and I had a fun day together and we even ventured out of the house beyond what we had to do.  The two of us went out and did a little shopping at Target where Maisie picked out coordinating Valentine’s Day pajamas for both she and I.  Maisie just loves when we match and if you remember the picture from New Year’s Eve, you know that we’ve done it before.  Truth be told, we probably have five or six matching sets of pj’s and every time she wears one and knows that I have the match she asks that I wear it too, love my girl!  After our shopping we stopped for lunch at Chipotle where we shared a salad.  It was our first time there and we enjoyed it as it reminded me a bit of one of my SLC favorite places, Cafe Rio.  Then as a special treat we ventured over to Gigi’s where we tasted a bit of three different cupcakes, Midnight Magic, Tiramisu and Carrot Cake.  Maisie really enjoyed the frostings and I found them all super sweet.  We then headed to Maisie’s swimming lesson and as we were a bit early she had some extra time to just play in the pool which she enjoyed.  Once home Eammon and Maisie enjoyed more of the cupcakes and then Maisie went next door to play with K & A which she had been itching to do all week long. 

We have a fun weekend planned and I hear (and hope) that our temps are going to get to 50’s tomorrow and almost 60F on Sunday…woohoo!!!  Because of a high school meet at Maisie’s gym, her gymnastics practice this afternoon was postponed until tomorrow morning so we’ll be up and out bright and early.  Then we’re looking forward to Sunday when we’ll celebrate both CNY and Valentine’s Day with Anne, Steve, K & A.  Also this weekend Maisie and I need to bake our second annual red velvet heart shaped cupcakes for her class and also get her Valentines cards and candy put together for her classmates as the party is Monday so we have some fun things planned. 

Well I made it past 7:30 but now it’s time for bed…In my pj’s that match Maisie’s…Need to go snuggle with my girl!  Next post, hopefully less whinging and more Maisie pictures.


  1. I hope the temps down south rise for you this weekend (send some of that cold and snow up this way!) and that you start feeling totally better very soon. I hate how it can take forever to get your energy back after a cold. And Maisie's schedule is so intense, no wonder you both are exhausted by the end of each day. Schedule in some naps this weekend! :)

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Awww, hope it warms up for you soon!

  3. A mixture of strep throat and a horrible head cold kicked my tush this whole week. Doug and Bri both have it now (not strep, just colds). Boo. :(

    I am definitely over the snow thing. It is looking like a beautiful week is ahead though!

    Happy Early Heart Day. :D

  4. I hope that you feel better soon. Schedules can get crazy. At least we had no snow and ice this weekend and it actually ended up being beautiful. Have a good and restful week.

  5. Glad you both are on the mend! Getting enough sleep is so important. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy

  6. Wow... those are some early bedtimes, Lisa! LOL! But it sounds like it was just what you needed. I hope you are feeling better now and well-rested. I'm playing catch up on your blog this evening... I'm way behind!


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