Monday, February 07, 2011

Trying to keep up

All this past week Maisie and I have been fighting off head colds as we were both stuffed up and sneezing.  We managed to keep up with all our activities but come Maisie’s bedtime we were both knackered and crawled into bed together and called it a day.  That’s sort of how our week progressed until Thursday when the cold hit me full force and brought along some friends of body aches and a fever…oh so fun.  So what did I do?  I made chicken soup and stocked up on Mucinex, night time cold meds and my Vicks VapoInhaler which I still can’t smell at all but it does seem to help. Friday morning I had planned to take Maisie to Miss Tina for a hair cut but since it was very cold and rainy we instead snuggled in bed together and slept in a bit.  Once up we really didn’t get going until after lunchtime when we ventured out to Maisie’s swimming lesson and then gymnastics practice.  I knew that we had a busy weekend ahead of us so after we returned from Maisie’s practice it was back in bed and early to sleep.

Thankfully by Saturday Maisie was feeling a lot better so she got to enjoy a fun filled day.  For a couple of hours in the morning she went next door to play with her best pals K & A whom she hadn’t seen all week.  Come afternoon though it was party time as Maisie had back-to-back birthday parties to attend.

IMG_5104The first party was for her classmate Olivia who turned 7.  The party was at a local gym/inflatable place and Maisie, her classmates and so many of Olivia’s friends had a blast playing, jumping and celebrating Olivia.

IMG_5076Maisie fear of inflatables is a thing of the past and the girl had fun hurling herself down the big slides.

IMG_5094For some reason Maisie enjoyed climbing up and down the wall ladder and she just looked so cute I had to snap a picture.

After Olivia’s party we immediately headed to Chani’s 4th birthday party.  It worked out well as we had 30 minutes between when Olivia’s party was scheduled to end and when Chani’s party was scheduled to begin and how convenient as it was a 30 minute drive from one to the other.

IMG_5121Chani’s party was full on Mickey and Minnie themed and birthday girl Chani looked adorable in the themed outfit that Kathy made for her.

IMG_5134I always love the parties that Kathy throws as her attention to detail and theme is always fun and amazing and this party proved no different.  From the moment we entered the door it was fun, fun, fun!  Kathy had activity stations set up where the children could make Mickey snow globes, play binoculars and even a coloring station.

IMG_5105Kathy also had a photo room set up so that the children could have their picture taken with Mickey & Minnie.

IMG_5109Chani and Maisie, always so cute together.

IMG_5115Kathy had cute Mickey cups personalized for each child.

IMG_5118Food for both children and adults and who can resist a chocolate fountain, YUM!!

IMG_5116Chef Mickey’s  kitchen was set up as a pizza making station for the children.

IMG_5128And in true Kathy fashion it wasn’t just any pizza but dough in the shape of Mickey mouse…too cute!!  Each child made their pizza and then attached a Mickey shaped name tag on a toothpick so that when the pizza came back from the oven it was returned to the correct child.

IMG_5125The Mickey theme was everywhere, from the decorations on the tables, the balloon arch, the toppers on the cupcakes, the chocolate chip cookies on sticks and the chocolate Mickey cake.

IMG_5123At each child’s seat there was a Mickey glove plate that each child could take home, a Mickey or Minnie themed goodie bag, a cup cake and of course adorable themed center pieces.

IMG_5135The mouse theme was everywhere and bow making Kathy put her talents to good use when she made this cute piece that was in the entrance hall. 

IMG_5117More Mickey, everywhere you looked.

IMG_5126Nothing was overlooked…yes even the bathrooms carried the Mickey theme.

IMG_5133Kathy even made the water bottles festive.

IMG_5138Briana and Maisie really enjoyed the party and of course their time together.

IMG_5144Happy 4th birthday Chani, can’t wait to celebrate with you again next year and see the awesome party your Mama creates.

To say that Maisie and I were exhausted after a day of partying is an understatement and it wasn’t very long after we returned home from the parties that we were both in bed together and sound asleep!

Sunday was a long day as I had to work a meet at Maisie’s gym for 8 hours so while I was gone Eammon took Maisie to the zoo.  The two of them enjoyed the gorgeous weather and a relatively quiet zoo where Maisie got to ride the carousel over and over and over and over, much to her delight!  Once we were all home we headed out for a quick dinner at Peter Chang’s new place (before he disappears again) and then with what has become our new norm, immediately upon returning home Maisie and I were in bed and fast asleep.

Maisie seems to be over her cold but mine is lingering and really sucking the life out of me but hopefully with all the sleep I’m getting it will soon be gone.  Maybe too if we could get some warm weather I could shake this, I am so ready for summer!


  1. I haven't visited your blog in such a long time. Maisie has blossomed into a beautiful girl. It looks like you are having a wonderful life together.


  2. feel better, sweetie!!

    (that party looks awesome, wow!)

  3. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are making time to rest and recover.

    That second birthday party Maisie went to was unbelievable. I can't even imagine being so creative and organized. What fun!

  4. Wow, that Mickey Party was amazing!!! How fun for the kids. And, um, how intimidating for moms like me who aren't so creative! LOL! I am in awe of people who can put together events like that.

  5. Thank you, Thank you!! These pictures are PERFECT! Great photography too!!

  6. Totally stealing the mickey decorated bottles of water, I am going to do team logos on water bottles for my sons first baseball game of the season!!


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