Monday, November 29, 2010

Mortimer made his report

Mortimer made his appearance Friday morning and must have reported back to Santa that night because Saturday morning there was an email and video from Santa to Maisie.

IMG_4672It’s amazing how much Santa knew about Maisie, Mort must have told him a lot!  Maisie must have watched her video from Santa two dozen times…at least and was totally thrilled each and every time.  Take a peek at her video and if your child hasn’t received one you should make it happen.

IMG_4691Today at gymnastics the girls received their little gift bags for State Meet.  Each girl on Maisie’s team received a water bottle, a little silver gymnast charm and a fun tee shirt.

IMG_4699Maisie loves that the names of her teammates are on the back of the shirt.  All the girls on Maisie’s team qualified for State (each gymnast had to achieve a score of 32 or above at two or more meets) which is very exciting especially for such a young team.  Maisie and I are a bit sad that she’s going to miss State as we’ll be basking on the beach in Aruba but we wish the North Metro Girls lots of luck and we’ll be thinking about you and can’t wait to hear the results.  Go North Metro!! 


  1. Lisa thanks for the link to PNP video!! I can't wait to show Soph:P

  2. oh goodness, that is just the cutest video!

  3. That is totally cute that Maisie needed to watch her video so many times. Linlee only watched hers once. Santa told her to work on not having tantrums and I think she didn't really want to hear about that. LOL!

  4. Yes! A big thank you for the link! I did one for Briana tonight and she watched hers over and over.

    We have a new elf and his name is "Red." We love him. :D


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