Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Grade Pajama Day

On the last school day of each month, if all the children in Maisie’s class have done their homework each and every day during the month, they have a special day at school.  September they had an ice cream party, October they had a cookie and dress-up day and this month was pajama day.  Last year Maisie wasn’t too thrilled to wear her pj’s to school but this year she was super excited.  So excited that this morning she ransacked her pajama drawer deciding which would be the perfect pj’s to wear to school.  How funny that she chose the exact same pj’s that she wore when her kindergarten class had pajama day!

pajama day at schoolMaisie this morning with classmates Olivia & Rachel all looking cute in their pj’s.

IMG_4706After school today mimicking the picture I took on pajama day last year.  These are the exact same (size 3) pajamas but the purple socks are new and the shoes, though they look the same are a size bigger as she’s now almost in a size 9!!

Kindergarten PJ Day 1Maisie last year hamming it up for the camera before Kindergarten pajama day.  She looks so much taller this year but these pj’s still fit and have held up great!  I was asked  last year about them so here it goes, they are Carter’s brand and they’re that microfiber fleece.  I bought them at Costco about 2 years ago and they have held up great through hundreds of washes…gotta love them!


  1. Cute pictures!

    Hope that you are ok after the the weather that went through yesterday. Please let us know.

  2. How fun! I love how confident Maisie always appears in her pictures. Also, she is similar to Linlee; a year goes by and you have to really look to see the difference. LOL!

  3. What a tiny little peanut Maisie is! She looks as cute as ever in her Panda PJs. I love the Carter's fleece PJs, too.


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