Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gymnastics team pictures & a busy week

Yes I’m playing catch-up again with my blog posting as we’ve had another busy week here at chez Maisie.  On Saturday Maisie and I were scheduled to attend a fun cooking class at a local restaurant but I had to cancel as her gym scheduled for team pictures to be taken at the exact same time…maybe next month when the class is offered again we’ll be able to attend.  So on Saturday I had to get Maisie’s hair into a bun for the pictures but as you can see we had fun playing with her hair after I got lots of gel into it.

IMG_2375It’s amazing how long her hair looks when it’s spiked on top of her head and I don’t think she’d be able to do her forward roll on the beam with that hair-do!

IMG_2380Don’t move, it’s going to fall.

IMG_2382And there it goes…oh well there’s always more gel.

IMG_2391I’m getting good at this bun thing and doesn’t Maisie look beautiful, ready to head to the gym.

photo (1)There were individual pictures, team pictures and then finally a picture of all the team members together.  Maisie was in one of the last groups to have pictures taken and we were there for 2.5 hours so I can’t even imagine how long some of the older girls had been there waiting to have the group picture taken. 

photo (2)I didn’t realize that the picture taking would take so long and K had decided to go along with us so once we finally finished I took the girls out for a lunch of their choice, pizza.  They were so cute together, wanting to share the same chair.  Come to think of it, they do that chair sharing thing quite often.  The girls were hungry and both ate and finished giant slices. 

We had a nice weekend, Maisie, K & A spent most of the weekend playing together which was good as they don’t get much of a chance to play together during the week and with Fall break starting this weekend, it will be a while before they can be together again.  Eammon and I both had various projects to do around the house and I did a good bit of cooking.  Sunday Anne & Steve came over for brunch as I made sous vide eggs and giant popovers which were delish then both Anne & I did some cooking and Sunday night we all enjoyed yet another wonderful meal together. 

Once the school week rolls around, life is busy, busy and go, go, go…until it comes to a screeching halt when my little girl gets sick.  Tuesday night Maisie just didn’t feel well and awoke at 11PM, then midnight, then was crying at 2am and just before 3am she was up and really not feeling well.  Her poor little tummy was hurting her and we made multiple trips to the bathroom.  She finally got settled back into bed only to then throw up all over the bed.  Poor girl was so upset and her tummy was in pain.  I got her cleaned up and settled in the bathroom for a bit as I got all the bedding into the laundry…fun times at 4am.  Maisie and I then snuggled on the couch with her big bowl near at hand while she watched some of her shows.  Wednesday morning around 10 she took a very brief nap but was in a lot of pain so really couldn’t sleep well.  It wasn’t until just after 3PM when I had her lay down with a warm pack on her tummy that she finally fell asleep for over an hour and thankfully awoke feeling quite a bit better but still exhausted.

IMG_2409Here she is just after 3PM, finally sleeping peacefully, holding her fan and with her giant just-in-case bowl near at hand.  After a night and day of being sick multiple times, a good number of popsicles, water, saltines and way too much television, both she and I got into bed at 6:30PM and thankfully slept until morning.  

Today Maisie awoke feeling back to normal so she went to school and then we spent a quiet afternoon home together as I worked on getting the house cleaned up, laundry finished and all our clothes packed for our upcoming cruise.   Today is also Eammon and my 11th wedding Anniversary.  We didn’t get dressed up, we didn’t go out and I didn’t put back on the dress I wore at our wedding because we figured that we’ll be eating “out” for a week on the ship and that’s a good way to celebrate.  I did make a special dinner for Eammon, one of his favorites, Chicken Tikka Masala which he said was excellent.  I am flying on a sugar high as Eammon gave me a box of lovely designer gourmet chocolates and well, I couldn’t resist and ate more than I should have especially as I’ve been avoiding sugar for months so it was a shock to my system but oh-so-worth it.

Also this week I booked a room at Disney for January.  Maisie’s school has been accepted for the Disney Y.E.S. Program so her entire school, first grade and up will be heading down to Florida for classes, very fun!  Maisie will have three classes over three days, The American Story, Wild by Nature and Synergy in Science.  The classes are only in the morning so we’ll have park-hopper passes so that we can play in the afternoons and evenings.  My Mom will be joining us so that will be fun and Maisie will love having her Grandma there with her too. 

Finally, don’t forget that Maisie is selling 1200 thread count linen sheets as a gymnastics booster club fundraiser so if you’re interested please let me know, thanks.


  1. Oh no, so sorry Maisie was sick. Stomach crud is just THE WORST. Sending big hugs.

    And your sweetie is just gorgeous in those pics -- that bun is so dang cute.

  2. Poor Maisie! I'm so sorry to hear about her stomach bug. So glad it didn't happen on your trip though!

    Love the hair spike, btw. LOL! My mom calls that hairdo a "Dairy Queen." Her hair does kind of look like a tall ice cream cone!

    The bun - totally adorable.

  3. Well, I feel all caught up now! LOL! Poor little Maisie. I hate that she was so sick and I'm glad she is feeling better now. Stomach viruses are awful. How exciting to be planning another cruise and also looking forward to going to Disney for a few days. Such fun! :)

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM


    About the sheets. My friend from the US is coming home to Canada on Oct. 21, for a visit, and will bring the sheets home with her then. Would the sheets be there by then? If not not worry I see her a few times a year.


  5. first. it has been FOREVER since i visited your blog. second... lisa, omgosh. your girl has grown SO much and is becoming a stunning and beautiful girl!!! i seriously cannot believe the transformation. she looks so grown up.

    second, love the spike hair :O)

    third, glad she's feeling better!

  6. I love the hair. Hate that she was sick. Hope she feels good now.

    Love how pretty she looked. Wow!

  7. Ruth, I don't have a date that we will receive the sheets beyond that they should be here by the end of October. I have no way of contacting you so if you are interested in ordering sheets, please email me privately with a way to contact you. Thanks.


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