Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cruising again

Last Saturday Eammon, Maisie and I drove down to Florida to spend an evening at my parents house before heading down to Tampa Sunday morning to board the Carnival Legend for a seven day western Caribbean cruise. 

IMG_2417As soon as we entered our stateroom Maisie wanted a picture of herself in the bathroom of all places and started posing for the camera.  We had a lovely suite with huge and numerous closets, a dressing room and vanity area, a large bathroom with a whirlpool tub and double sinks and outside, an extra large balcony where we spent time watching the ocean and admiring our ports of call. 

IMG_2419aIn my usual fashion, Maisie on the first night after dinner with her towel animal, a seal with shades. 

IMG_2422aMaisie loved coming back to the room each night to see what animal she would find and of course eat the squares of chocolate.  Here she is on night two with …I’m not sure what-it-is animal.

P9210002Tuesday was our first port day and we were in Grand Cayman.  We had fun looking around for a bit and taking pictures with some of the painted Blue Dragons.  This one is Blu.

P9210005This one is Arti.

P9210006It wasn’t just iguanas that Maisie was willing to pose with, she was happy to pose in front of just about anything.

P9210008Maisie was all about finding a pool so we headed up to the roof deck Margaritaville where she and Eammon had fun playing in the pool and going down the water slide while I headed off to do a quick bit of shopping.

P9210011Eammon and I decided to dine at the upscale onboard steakhouse so after returning from a day in Grand Cayman we enjoyed a wonderful meal while Maisie played and had dinner with the kids club.  Eammon and I feasted on escargot, lobster bisque with cognac, a surf & turf of grilled filet mignon and seared lobster tail with sides of sautéed mushrooms, creamed spinach with garlic as well as wasabi mashed potatoes.  All the portions were gigantic and though I barely made a dent in my meal and was stuffed, I couldn’t resist when our waiter recommended the chocolate sampler for dessert.  It too was huge and I could only manage a small taste of each of the selections and unfortunately wasn’t able at that point to really enjoy it, just too full.  Do you think next time they’d let me start with the dessert because it sure looked wonderful.

IMG_2426aAfter our fancy dinner we picked Maisie up from the kids club and though she had fun she was thrilled to leave and return to our room to see what awaited.  Maisie found a stingray with goggles and plenty of chocolate.  Maisie hadn’t been happy as she didn’t get to dress as a Princess and didn’t get to eat dinner with us.    Eating a few extra chocolates seemed to make up for all of that though and she went to bed a happy little girl.

IMG_2434Wednesday we visited Cozumel where Maisie and I just did a bit of shopping right in the port area and Eammon just hung out on the ship.  While shopping Maisie picked out matching yellow t-shirts with frogs on them for all three of us as well as a cute t-shirt for herself with a shark on the front which can open its mouth to reveal its tongue and fish skeletons.  She also picked out two fans, one a very lacy looking carved wood one that opens like a traditional fan and the second one, big, gaudy and bright and oh how she loves it!  Another night of not being quite sure of what the towel animal was but Maisie loved it just the same.

P9230017Thursday we visited Roatan, Honduras.  Maisie and I headed off to Mahogany Beach which was just perfect for the two of us.  Beautiful smooth white sand beach, calm crystal clean water and plenty of beach loungers.  Not a cultural or getting to know Honduras experience in any way but a perfect way to spend a gorgeous day in the sun and at the beach.

P9230019Walking along Maisie found more animals to have her picture taken with.

P9230021Maisie and Mama turtle.

P9230024Maisie with the rest of the turtle family.

P9230030It was a beautiful day on the beach and it reminded me a lot of Disney’s Castaway Cay.

P9230031Maisie never misses the opportunity to bury herself in the sand.

P9230037Being covered in sand just makes my skin crawl but Maisie loves it.

P9230032The nice calm waters provided a safe place for Maisie to play.

IMG_0104While Maisie and I spent the day at the beach, Eammon decided to try Snuba.

IMG_0072He got to see coral.

IMG_0076And fish.   

IMG_0007Coral & fish together.

IMG_0041And even more fish, which was all wonderful until...

IMG_0025This guy appeared right next to Eammon.

IMG_0107And his response…

P9230039Carnival did a good job in matching us with dinner companions.  Each night we enjoyed dinner with a couple from Massachusetts and their five year-old son Rowan.  Maisie and Rowan really enjoyed being together so it made for enjoyable dinners.  

IMG_2436aMaisie after dinner Thursday with her towel elephant.

Friday we tendered in Belize and because hurricane Matthew was just a couple of days behind us, some tours were cancelled and many of the others filled up so Eammon’s plans to do a tour got nixed so he and Maisie stayed on the ship while I headed to shore to do a little shopping.  I had a great shopping day finding some wonderful bargains especially on silver so Maisie got a charm/ID bracelet, I got a tanzanite, Australian opal and white sapphire ring and Eammon got a sterling silver key chain with a Mayan deity on it.  I wasn’t onshore long but by the time I returned Eammon was tuckered out so Maisie and I played, she took a bath and we had fun together.

P9240041Friday night at dinner Maisie and Rowan spent lots of time sitting together and playing Maisie’s DSi.  Not the best thing to bring to dinner and not allowed at home but for tired children on a trip, to keep them happy, not a problem.

IMG_2439When we returned from dinner Friday night a towel gorilla was using the loo.  (Those towels were quickly discarded on the bathroom floor!)

IMG_2441Then Maisie found her worry dolls neatly tucked in and snoozing on a dozen pillows of chocolate.

P9250047Saturday morning Maisie awoke and let us know that she wanted us all to ear our matching Cozumel t-shirts that she picked out and then asked what Rowan was doing as she wanted to play with him.  Much to her delight he was having breakfast with his Dad when we went for breakfast in our matching t’s so just like dinner we shared a table and the children had fun together.

P9250052Saturday was our final full day and it was a sea day.  The children were having so much fun together at breakfast and we had nothing planned for the day so Rowan and his Dad joined us in our stateroom where Maisie and Rowan watched videos, played together and had a blast in Maisie’s castle (the dressing room) while the adults enjoyed sitting and chatting on the balcony.  Before we knew it, it was lunch time and on the menu was the chocolate buffet so Rowan’s Mom joined us and the six of us headed up for lunch and a chocolate fix. 

IMG_2447aAll the sugar got to Maisie and she just melted down so I knew a nap was needed.  Much to her chagrin I took her back to our room where though fighting it, quickly fell asleep holding one of her worry dolls.  After an hour long nap Maisie was ready to go again so she and I headed up to the pool where we met up with Rowan and his parents.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon playing in the pool and before we knew it, it was time to eat again! 

P9250053Saturday night, our final dinner together.  Maisie and Rowan were unfortunately more interested in playing Cooking Mama 3 (which my parents had given to Maisie the day we sailed) than eating their dinner but they did both eventually eat and their game playing allowed the adults time to chat.

IMG_2449aMaisie with her final towel ghost???  It didn’t matter, Maisie loved it and she especially loved all the chocolate!! (Each night she was allowed 2 or 3 squares of chocolate and the rest were dolled out as treats during the day for things like doing her homework and other good behavior.)

Overall the cruise was good fun and though we chose not to do any tours and just take it easy in our ports, it was perfect for us.  Maisie did a lot of school work and home work each day so she kept up with everything that her classmates were doing while she was away.  Maisie went to the kids club only twice this voyage, on our first at-sea day so that she could participate in the t-shirt decorating activity and then the one evening that Eammon and I went to the steakhouse.  Maisie and I did go to a show just one night and that was good fun but most nights after dinner Maisie was tired and wanted to go and stay in the room and most nights she and I were asleep by 9. 

It’s good to be home but now it’s time to get back into the swing of real life and experience the shock of having to cook and clean for myself again and Maisie has to get used to not dressing for and being a Princess each night at dinner.  Good fun and we can’t wait to plan our next cruise as we’re hooked.

IMG_2471xBecause Colleen asked, the ring I got in Belize.


  1. Oh boy, that sounded like a lovely week. You definitely took it way more easy than your last cruise with Maisie. Glad you all had such a nice vacation together as a family. Maisie looks like she had a very good time, but where was a picture of you??? I would also love to see a picture of the pretty ring you bought - it's sounds gorgeous!

  2. Next time you go, pack me will ya??? Love, love love that ring. When my mom and I went on a cruise back in 2005 I bought a tazanite ring and I still wear it.

    What are worry dolls??


  3. Wow! What an amazing voyage, and it looks like Maisie had a great time. I love the little "pillows of chocolate." Too cute! Your ring is gorgeous. Congrats on a wonderful get-a-way, looks like you all enjoyed some wonderful rest.

  4. You guys always have the nicest vacations! Welcome back!

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Oh my, I am totally jealous of that ring! It's BEAUTIFUL. Thanks for the pic!

    Colleen :)

  6. Wow wow wow wow WOW! I don't even know where to start! This looks like so much fun and the photos were fantastic! The towel art totally cracks me up! I hope you're making little photo books of these trips so Maisie can look back at the pictures and remember all the fun times!

    Love that ring too!

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  7. Welcome back! Looks like another amazing voyage! Love how much Maisie dresses up - too cute.

    The ring is beautiful!

  8. Anonymous10:20 PM

    It's the lady from Canada again about the sheets. I don't know how to email you privately about these sheets. Is your email address somewhere on your blog page? my friend is coming from Minnesota to Canada on Oct. 21 and she's willing to bring them to me.


  9. Looks like a really FUN week!! I love your is beautiful:)

  10. What an amazing trip! Oh Lisa, you really are making me want to go on a cruise ASAP! We are still hoping for an Alaskan Cruise, maybe next year. Maisie looks like she had an amazing time! And your ring is gorgeous. Glad you had a great time...and good luck dealing with normal everyday life again. :)

  11. What a wonderful family vacation! Glad you had such a great time and are planning your next one. the best way to end a vacation is by beginning to plan the next one!

  12. What a wonderful trip you all had! We haven't taken a cruise in 6 years but have thought about doing it again. Looks like Maisie has a new friend. The ring you bought was beautiful.

  13. I am green with envy! Looks so fabulous! You all always have a great time!

  14. Wow, great pics. Looks like a lovely time. Cheers from Canada :)


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