Friday, July 09, 2010

Six Moms, eight children and one house still standing

We are having an awesome time with our super bloggy pals up in Park City, Utah. We had a long trip out here, flying through Houston and a poor man had a medical emergency on our first flight but meeting up with everyone has been great fun. It didn't take long for all the little girls to warm up to one another and in no time they were running through the house, jumping on beds and running around playing together like best friends. How fun it is to have all of us back together but this time with ALL of our children.IMG_5326 The first night electronics were a big hit.  Here's Lauren playing with Ro & Ree's IPad.

IMG_5328 Maisie, Lauren, Ro, Ree & Eliza gathered around the IPad and ready to watch a movie.

IMG_1874 Coming home from Barcelona back in April, Maisie's Leapster died and she was really at the point of outgrowing it so instead of buying her another one, I surprised her on the flight out to Utah with a Nintendo DSi and she and Eliza just couldn't get enough of it.

IMG_5349 This morning Lauren & Maisie were cute together at breakfast.

IMG_2181LR Such little cuties!!  Maisie, Ro, Tate, Ree, Solli and just behind the sofa, little Liza Lu (Eliza).

P7090063 Our Utah 2010 red couch picture.  Left to right, youngest to oldest:  Hannah, Solli, Tate, Lauren, Eliza, Maisie, Ree & Ro.  They've all grown so much since our last one in September 2007.

IMG_2189LR Such cutie-patootie little kids so of course there was paparazzi, Donna, me & Catherine.

IMG_2200LR Our We tried to re-create the Mama's-to-be photo from the first time we met but little ones kept sneaking in but that's just the way things are now.  Donna, Lisa, Catherine (where Julie was in the original), me, Tiffany & M3.

IMG_2203LR Finally, all the Mamas with their children.  Donna & Lauren, Lisa & Tate, Catherine & Hannah, Me with Maisie, Tiffany with Eliza & Solomon and M3 with Ro & Ree.

P7090049 Maisie decided that she wanted to take some pictures so there were many of the ceiling, odd objects, fuzzy who-knows-what, she did get some good ones like this one of Tiffany

P7090077 As well as one of me and M3.

P7090078 And this cute one of Tate, Solli & Lauren...where are their Mother's letting these little ones climb on tables?!?!?

P7090051 And finally this one of M3 and I just chillin on the sofa.

P7090044 We finally got our selves off the sofa and out the door to a fun park with climbing structures and climbing  rocks.  Maisie and Lauren were buddies climbing to the top of one of the big rocks together.

IMG_2205 Later in the afternoon we headed over to Park City Mountain Resort.  I love all the hand-holding that happened.  This is Maisie and Eliza holding hands and Solli in the stroller.

IMG_2207 Ree and Maisie.

P7090093 Ree, Maisie, Ro & M3.

IMG_2213 Maisie and I riding the lift up to the top of the Alpine Slide.  I have to say that I don't like heights especially being suspended on a wire so the trip up had me in a bit of a panic but thankfully I wasn't alone in that as M3 was no calmer than I.  The little girls though, they were up for the adventure and being on the lift was just good fun!

IMG_2210 Ro & M3 on the lift.

IMG_2216 Maisie and I ready to slide!  The slide down the hill was awesome and we all had so much fun.

My camera didn't want to turn on right away so here's just part of our run down the Alpine Slide. M3 and Ro are on the track to our right.

IMG_2220 Because only two people could be on a sled and because of age requirements we had to go in shifts, here's Donna & Lauren, Catherine & Ree and Tiffany & Eliza ready to board the lift.

IMG_2224 Second shift going up in the lift.

P7090097 While the second shift was taking their turn on the slide, Maisie and Ro entertained them selves playing with rocks.  Who needs toys when rocks are so fun!

P7090098 Hannah passed the time while her Mama was on the slide by taking a nap.

IMG_2231 Catherine and Ro at the end of their run.

IMG_2233 Donna & Lauren, looks like they had a good time!

IMG_2237 Tiff and Eliza loved it too.

IMG_2239 Tate was too young to do the slide but that didn't stop her from a photo-op in one of the sleds.

IMG_2243 After everyone who wanted to had their turn on the Alpine slide, a few of us brave Mamas and little ones headed over to the Alpine Coaster for a go at that.  Catherine rode with Ro

IMG_2244 M3 took Ree with her.

IMG_2241 And here's Maisie and I ready to go.

I recorded our entire ride and it was great fun.  As soon as we got off both Maisie and I were ready to go again.  We were told that if I pushed the handles forward all the way (pull back for braking) that we would get up to about 30mph and going around the bends we would feel about 3Gs so just to see, I pushed the handles forward the entire trip down because why bother breaking when we could just go for it and have so much fun!!  Awesome fun and Maisie and I want to go back again!!

P7090103 After all the fun of the day and dinner out we returned to the house where we played and of course computers came out...had to up load all the pictures!!  Here again Maisie had the camera.

P7090125 All the little girls had fun playing cooking games for a while but then it was time for some surgery.  First Lisa subjected herself to multiple surgeries and here's M3 having a C-section...yeah I don't get it either but everyone had great fun.

Tomorrow we are getting together with many of the local bloggy gals for a bbq and we can't wait!!  Time to sleep though, eight children can totally wear out all us Mamas!!

Don't forget to enter my Bento book giveaway over on Maisie Eats Bento.


  1. Awe, I'm so jealous!!! LOOKS like you all had a FAB time!!! LOVE the photos!!!!!!

  2. Looks like you all are having a blast! I want to go down that Alpine slide.

  3. Oh my gosh, you guys are having SO MUCH FUN! Wow, how wonderful for all of you.

  4. Those slides were the best!! Especially the coaster. You were braver than i. maybe next time i'll try to just let it go!!


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