Saturday, July 10, 2010

The best laid plans of mice and men

IMG_1889Unfortunately instead of partying it up with our local bloggy pals, this is how we spent our evening.

This morning I awoke to find out that Donna had been sick all night long and poor little Ree wasn’t feeling all that great either.  By mid-morning Maisie started complaining off and on that her stomach was hurting her but I didn’t know if it was sympathy pains or if she really wasn’t feeling well as she ate her breakfast and seemed okay, just a bit tired.  By mid-morning Ree said she was feeling better and Maisie said she was okay so everyone but Donna loaded into the cars and we headed over to the outlet stores.  Our time there was brief, well at least for Maisie & I and M3 & her girls as both Ree and Maisie complained that they didn’t feel well and wanted to go home.  Through out the afternoon both girls were dragging, in bed and both napped.  Come time to get ready to head to the BBQ, poor little Ree just wasn’t up for it but Maisie said she wanted to go…until the contents of her stomach came up.  Poor little girl was sick six times but once her stomach emptied she started feeling better and hopefully tomorrow will wake feeling 100%  Ree never did get sick and hopefully won’t as they are scheduled to fly home tomorrow.  A few of the other Moms also aren’t feeling quite right so in the end, from our group of 14, only Catherine & Hannah and Lisa & Tate made it to the BBQ.  I’m so bummed that we missed it but I hope to meet up with some of the local gals during the next few days before we head home.

P7100129Solli, Maisie and Eliza watching a video together this afternoon.

Don't forget to enter my Bento book giveaway over on Maisie Eats Bento.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Oh, no. I hope you all feel better. That's terrible that so many of you got sick. Reminds me of the China trip when only three of us (and not me included) DID not get sick.

    I hope all of you are able to have some fun today.

    Ilene and April and Michael

  2. Of course we missed you last night, but there is no way you would have wanted to brave the trip out of the canyon with a sickie Maisie!!

    I hope that she is feeling better today and that you don't come down with it too.

    Call and we'll hook up with Laurel this week.


  3. Oh no! How unfortunate. I wonder if it was a bug, or something you all ate? I hope everyone is feeling much, much better today.

  4. Lisa, It has been a few months since I visited your site. You have lost ALOT of weight! Congrats! I know that you all have had a blast at the bloggy reunion. I will try and not stay away for so long.

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    That stinks! Hope you all feel better by now.

  6. Poor thing!! I hope eveyone is back to 100% now!

  7. lad to hear your little lambis on the mend! Poor little sweetie handled it like a trooper! Praying all the sickies are soon feeling better and that nobody else gets it!

    |It was a great weekend and I enjoyed spending time with you and Maisie.

  8. So wonderful to spend time with everyone -- can't wait to do it again.

    Sweet Maisie was one tough cookie. Please give her huge hugs from us again. And I'm hoping you guys are all good today?

    xo, M

  9. "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin timorous beastie; oh what panic's in thy breastie ? Thou need na start awa sae hasty; wi' bickerin' brattle ! I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee; wi murderin' prattle."

    Maisie, was there ever a line that could make Baba miss you and mummy more. You are in Salt Lake City and you are both poorly. I saw the sad little picture of your tiny hunched frame. You looked so sad and mummy decided to name the entry, "The best laid plans of mice and men."

    This story little Maisie is about a poor Scottish mouse who has her home turned over by a famers plough. In your daddys-daddys home of Ireland this story would be told by a Seanchaithe, these same Irish storytellers are called Shanachie in Scotland where the name Maisie comes from and England where daddy comes from. The plough blade which o'er turned the poor wee mousies home is called a coulter in the story; an old word for a plough blade. So now we have a mouse called Maisie, just like in your books of Maisy Mouse whose own tiny home is laid bare by a coulter in the story told by a Shanachie. But you see my wee Maisie this means you, for when mummy and daddy were married the song playing was the Shanachie by Mr. Phil Coulter. From that time mummy and baba were waiting for you Miss Maisie Shanahan, our wee Maisie Mouse.

    Daidí Is breá leat. Beidh Daidí fheiceann tú go luath. Beidh mé aire a thabhairt do leat agus tú póg. xxx


  10. Just had to come back again to read Eammon's comment! Love it! Miss you!


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