Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gymnastics camp with K & A

Today was a very happy day for Maisie as it was her first day of gymnastics camp, woohoo!! Even better is that K & A are attending camp this week too, the three little amigos.

K, Maisie and A were up early and anxious to get to the gym.  They all had an awesome day and Maisie was actually tuckered out and fell asleep during the drive home.  Of course that nap only lasted 10 minutes but that she fell asleep at all, meant that she was tired.  After camp we all headed to the pool as we are in the midst of a heat wave so the only place to be out doors is in the water.  We got a couple of hours of swimming in before the thunder and then the pop-up torrential rain started but it was fun.

Here's Maisie, K & A last year heading into the gym on their first day of gymnastics camp.

And here's my wee little Maisie back in July 2008, the very first morning she attended gymnastics camp.  I can't believe that this is her third summer attending gymnastics camp, how time flies!!  I'm glad though that she still loves camp as much today as she always has and that each day she looks forward to going, participating and being with her friends.


  1. Love that she is so talented. Sorry you are having rain there too. Actually today was WONDERFUL! Can't wait to see you all. Maybe Maise can give us a personal show!

  2. Wow! I remember that picture of Maisie with K & A last year. They look so much bigger this year! Amazing how time flies!

  3. I remember that final shot like it was yesterday!

    Have fun at camp Maisie!!


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