Friday, June 11, 2010

2010 Elite Team Camp

This Thursday through Sunday Maisie is attending her gym's elite team camp. This camp is different from the gymnastics camp she'll attend starting next week as this is an intensive four day training camp only for those children who are on competitive teams.  Thursday was a short three hour day with all the gymnasts gathering just after lunch at the gym where they received their t-shirts, met the guest coaches, did their warm-up exercises and started their practice then after a short break there was a fun kick-off pool party.  Friday through Sunday are full 7-hour days filled with strength and conditioning training as well as learning and practicing new skills.  Maisie and her teammates should be good and tired at the end of each day. 
IMG_1562  a Taylor & Maisie
IMG_1567  b Taylor, Maisie, Mara, Aspen & Savannah
IMG_1571  cSilly girls!!  It is really wonderful how Maisie and her teammates really love each other and being together.
IMG_1579  d USA Level 2 teammates:  Maisie, Taylor, Aspen, Savannah, Caroline & Mara all sporting their NMGC 2010 Elite Team Camp t-shirts.
IMG_1587  e Guest Coaches with the USA Level 2 teammates:  Tia, Maisie, Aspen, Taylor, Mara, Savannah & Caroline.  (Gracie is missing)

IMG_1602  f Helen & Megan fitting Maisie for her team practice and competition leotards.

IMG_1608  g Maisie doing some warm-up stretches next to her friend Anna.

IMG_1613 h Doing splits with the big girls.

IMG_1630  i Bridges are just so easy peasy so lift one leg and point those toes.

IMG_1632  j Lunges across the mat.

IMG_1650  k Push-up, not a problem when you're only 32 pounds and extremely strong.

IMG_1653  L Maisie still hanging with her friend Anna and working her abs of steel.

IMG_1675  m Maisie, Savannah & Mara (face down) at the pool party.

pool party picture (1) Gymnasts at the pool party.  Maisie is not in the picture as we had already left by this point as it had been a long day and was well past Maisie's bedtime...and mine!

M at pool4 6-7-10 nAfter 7 hours at the gym today Maisie only wanted to go to the pool where little Miss Energizer Bunny managed to swim around for over two hours before finally slowing down a bit and just taking time to float around and play with her water squirter.

M at pool5 6-7-10 o Little Miss, finally relaxing in her tube.

IMG_1686  p And now she sleeps!! 


  1. Holy moly, Maisie is AMAZING. Those pictures of your little peanut doing all those exercises with the big girls is priceless - and she's better than they are! That shot of her doing the bridge with the pointed toe - WOW! That is one talented little girl. :)

  2. love these pics! how precious are the level 2 girls (not that i am bias or anything :)?!

  3. You got really fantastic shots of Maisie! She looks like she is lovin' every second of it! Look at all those girls - it is really amazing to see!

  4. Adorable!! LOVE the silly pic of the girls fooling around.

    Can't wait to see you. How are you feeling?

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Good lord, I think I worked up a sweat just looking at those photos. She's a powerhouse!

  6. Your girl is amazing. I KNOW we will be seeing her in the olympics (my favorite) when she is old enough.

    IF you have mailed the sheets we haven't received ours. Just to let you know in case they have already gone out. No biggie we can wait....if you haven't sent them

  7. Wow!! It's easy to see how hard she's worked already and how she pays attention to detail. Great bridge with pointed toes Maisie! She's so little among all the big girls.

    Way to go Maisie! Hope you're having fun at gymnastics camp! Maybe you can show Hannah some of your great moves when we're in Utah together?

  8. Yes, I'm excited for the day that we watch the Olympics and see little Miss Maisie! I'll bet it happens! And my gosh, I can't believe the energy that little one has! Amazing is right!


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