Saturday, May 01, 2010

Character breakfast and Princess Party

During our six days at sea Maisie and I kept busy with all sorts of activities but two of Maisie's favorites were the Character breakfast in the Parrot Cay Restaurant and the Princess Party in Lumiere's. For the Character breakfast we were seated with our usual dinner mates but for the Princess Party we were seated at a table for four with a Mom Anna and her 5-1/2 y/o daughter Molly. Well Anna is blond and Molly looked Chinese so I inquired and sure enough, Anna adopted Molly in 2005 from Guangxi. Maisie and Molly immediately connected and became fast friends and after meeting at the party ended up spending numerous days together playing in the pool, cooking and playing together in the Oceaneer lab & club and sitting near one another many nights in the theater. During the party Anna kept looking at Maisie and said that she looked oh-so familiar and after a bit of back and forth we found out that Anna used to read this blog and remembered the day we were waiting for Maisie's referral and the name game I played with the letters for her wall, how's that for a small world and dumb luck in being seated together!

Well enough of my babbling, on to the pictures because that's the best part and what most of you come here to see.

~~ Character Breakfast ~~

IMG_0252 A Maisie ready for the character brekkie.

IMG_0253  B Maisie with Mickey. Can you tell that she's loving this, look at that smile!

IMG_0256  C Who needs to eat when you can instead get a snuggle from Goofy.

IMG_0257  D Maisie with Chip...or is it Dale? Nope after having to look it up, black nose and centered teeth = Chip.

IMG_0259  E Maisie smiling even bigger now that Minnie came to see her.

IMG_0263  F Maisie sharing a snuggle with Pluto & Marta

IMG_0273  G And a final hug from Dale.

~~ Princess Party ~~

Maisie loved that she received an invitation from Belle to attend a Princess Party and was so excited to attend. The day of the party Maisie chose to wear her Belle dress, tiara, one of my necklaces and of course high-heeled shoes. Maisie looked like a perfect little Princess as she entered the party, was announced and strutted down the center isle.

IMG_0289  H The two most adorable Princesses in attendance, Molly & Maisie.

IMG_0291  I I am so-not a Disney aficionado so I had to get help with this character but thanks to Ilene I learned that this is Suzy, a mouse from the Cinderella story.

IMG_0294  J Sadly I wasn't 100% sure of which Princess this was but thank you google. Cinderella sweetly snuggled with the girls.

IMG_0302  K Didn't know Perla either and neither did Maisie but she loved having her picture taken with her. I'm thinking that maybe Maisie and I need to watch the Cinderella movie so that we can figure out who everyone is.

IMG_0306  L Hostess Belle. We knew her as Maisie just adores her!

IMG_0313  M Molly, Dopey & Maisie

IMG_0315  N Molly, Snow White & Maisie.

IMG_0318  O Two little cuties.

IMG_0323  P Molly, Alice and Maisie

IMG_0324  Q Maisie decided that Tiana has the most beautiful dress of all the Princesses, I may have to get her one for her birthday.

IMG_0328  R I just had to snap a piccie of this handsome little Prince who sat at the table next to us.

The party went on for quite some time and both Molly and Maisie reached their limit before all the Princesses came to visit so we ended up leaving before getting a picture with I think, Aurora, Princess Minnie and maybe another one or two but oh what a fun afternoon!


  1. How cool that you met Molly and her mom and that she'd read your blog! Love it when that happens!

    Character dinners are the very best!! Not a lot of eating happens but oh what fun is had! Glad you were able to enjoy a couple of these while on ship!

  2. I tell ya, the blog world is amazing!!! Unbelievable!

    These pictures of the characters meals bring me back to Disney World - sigh. I think I need to take Briana back!

  3. I'm loving these pics...makes me excited for Disneyland in June!


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