Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day and Year of the Tiger

Sunday we gathered with friends at Anne & Steve's home to celebrate Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year. It was a fun-filled afternoon of crafts, play, cooking, eating and drinking.

The upstairs kitchen was crafts central with the girls making Chinese lanterns while the boys made and painted little wooden boats.

Maisie had fun gluing on all the crystals and cutting the papers.

Downstairs was cooking central where we had fun making homemade dumpling. While we were making the dumplings we enjoyed Anne's delicious lettuce wrap appetizers.

Me and my beautiful little Princess.

The children enjoyed a dinner of noodle soup, beef bulgogi, rice, crispy noodles, dumplings, veggies, hoisin bbq drumsticks & mandarin oranges.

Maisie found all the food delicious!

After dinner the children decorated heart-shaped red velvet cupcakes for their dessert.

Maisie went light on the frosting and heavy with the fairy sprinkles.

The adults feasted on all the same foods but for dessert enjoyed Nutella crepes with whipped cream and Chocovine. If you love chocolate and/or a drink like Bailey's Irish Cream, check out Chocovine, totally awesome!

Maisie with her completed Chinese lantern.

Some fireworks made a perfect ending to a fun day of celebrating. Maisie doesn't like loud noises so even before the fireworks were lit she had her ears blocked.

A big thanks to Anne & Steve for a fun and memorable day and we can't wait to continue these traditions with our children for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously! Wow. That is amazing. Everything looks fab. You do a #1 job on everything.

    Happy CNY


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