Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fun filled Saturday

Oh what a busy and fun Saturday! Our morning started with Eammon taking Maisie out for a little playtime in the snow where they quickly met up with K, A, Anne & Steve. Of course with the two Dad's out there with all the children, it became a game of throwing snowballs off our dock trying to crack the ice. The sun was shining and it was surprisingly mild outside so it was nice to sit out there for a bit and drink hot chocolate and coffee with everyone. After our drinks Anne suggested that we have brunch together which sounded like a great idea. After a quick shower I brought all the ingredients I needed for my dish over to their house and the cooking began. Anne made a delicious Italian omelette with garlic, peppers and sun dried tomatoes along with some thick sliced gourmet bacon. My contribution were crepes filled with Nutella & bananas topped with whipped cream. After a great meal and some play & social time it was nap time as Maisie had a big afternoon ahead of her.

After nap we headed over to Kathy & Matt's house to celebrate Chani's 3rd birthday.

Chani looked adorable in her birthday outfit.

The party was a Crayola theme and Kathy went all out, decorating her home and keeping the color theme going. For the children, Kathy had numerous craft & activity stations set up to keep them busy and earning prizes.
Maisie enjoyed stringing Fruit Loop necklaces but then ate them as fast as she made them. After making her third one she asked if she could skip making the necklace and just eat the cereal.

Unlike Maisie who chose only to do a few select activities, Briana participated in everything and here she is working hard, decorating her backpack.

Once Maisie had her fill of Fruit Loops she had fun playing in and coloring the castle.

Then there was the food!
The tables were a kids candy feast and as soon all the children sat down the sugar fest began.

It wasn't all candy, there was a fruit punch fountain.

And a chocolate fountain with fruit, marshmallows, cookies and treats to dip...Okay I guess that's candy too but there was "real" food too.

Stinkin' adorable chocolate covered pretzels, but seriously there was food in which the first ingredient wasn't sugar.

See real food, Chicken nuggets, Mandarin oranges and fruit snacks...oops guess that last one is candy again.

Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, veggie tray and Fruity Pebbles treats.

Chani, Maisie, Briana & Katie ready for the sugar fest to begin.

After all the parent's best efforts to get the children to eat some of the healthier food it was cupcakes AND cake, yes my girl ate both and finished both servings.

After all the food and sugar it was time to burn off some energy. Kathy & Matt had a balloon drop from their balcony and the children had a blast running around, kicking, throwing and playing with all the balloons.
Catch Mama!

Briana catching a balloon.

This is so much fun!!

Me and my best girl.

We arrived home just after 7PM and all that sugar kicked Maisie in the tush because by 7:30 she was out, snuggled in and sound asleep!

Happy 3rd birthday Chani and thanks for the super fun party and all the treats!


  1. What a fun birthday party. I love the chocolate covered pretzels, very creative. I wish I was that creative :o)

    Enjoy a great double holiday today!

  2. Wow, guess I didn't realize that most everything was sugar!! LOL It was so much fun and so glad that you were able to make it.

  3. Kathy totally went all out! What a fun party! So good to see you.

    And unlike Maisie, the sugar kicked in with Bri and she wasn't able to fall asleep until 10PM! Ugh! (She did sleep until 9:30 this morning though!)

  4. Fun times!!!

    Keep smilin!

  5. Everything looks so fun! Had to chuckle over the fruit loop story -- that's my Maddy for sure! She could live in dry cereal!

    The crayola chocolate pretzels are cute! I may try to make those some day.

    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  6. Oh, that party looked fun!
    And Maisie's outfit is seriously adorable. Always the fashionista that girl...


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