Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Three years ago today

Is it three years already? On the other hand though, has it only been three years?? It was three years ago today that we received our referral of our sweet Maisie Miao Miao. The time has seemed to fly by yet it feels like a lifetime she's been with us. I still get teary eyed thinking back to that day, remembering the first time I laid eyes on our little cue-ball cutie. I'm truly thankful every day, even on the challenging ones, that we were matched with the perfect child for our family. We've loved you Maisie Miao Miao from the first time we laid eyes on your picture to today and that love will continue tomorrow and forever, you are our love and best girl ever.


  1. I'll always remember this day because it was Maisie's referral day and my LID. I love Nov 3! :)

  2. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Happy Family Day! For us it sometimes seems like forever ago. Other times it doesn't seem like it's been nearly that long.

    All our best...

    The Ls.

  3. I remember the day well!


    Our Blog: Double Happiness!

  4. Wow! I can't believe it's been three years.

    Happy Referraliversary!! :o)

  5. I still remember I saw that anxious little face for the first time, not knowing was going on, not knowing what was about to happen. My mum told me that when I first saw Maisie I would recognise her and I did. From the cherubic little face to the little t-shirt with a double decker bus from my home city. Seeing that picture was the best day you could imagine, the day I finally held my little Sweetpea in my arms a best day became even better. All my love Maisie xxx Baba

  6. Oh I remember that day very well....can ya believe though that it has been three years?Wow!She just keeps getting more and more beautiful.

    Happy Referral Day versary!!

  7. I just can't believe it's been 3 years! I remember following along as you got your referral and then traveled to China. Thanks for sharing your Maisie with the rest of us. Happy Referral Day!

  8. Congratulations!!!! I can't believe how much she has grown...espcially in the hair department, but I have seen that same look on her face since that photo! She is a doll! We love all of you!

  9. Oh gosh!!! 3 years already?!!

    Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us - its been such a privilege to watch Maisie grow.

  10. hard to believe 3 years has passed already!

    glad to see you all are doing well and happy to see that Maisie is enjoying gymnastics so much!

    You go girl!


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