Friday, November 06, 2009

Low-Low, Maisie, Emi & Bri

Today Maisie and I met up with Pug Mama & Low-Low, Liene & Emilija and Lisa & Briana at The Cheesecake Factory. We've been looking forward to meeting Low-Low since her arrival home in June and finally we were all able to arrange our schedules so to meet. It always amazes me how perfect our children are matched to our families as Low-Low is the perfect addition to the Pug Mama family. It was a great lunch, the company and the food and we can't wait to meet up again.

Low-Low was a great eater and a perfect little lady but chose to do only serious poses for my camera. Hopefully next time we meet up she'll be all smiles.

Emi seemed to enjoy watching the big girls but she did a lot better in the eating department than Maisie & Bri.

Maisie and Briana as always had fun together. Both of them filled up on bread & butter so that when their meals of mac & cheese arrived, neither ate more than a mouthful. They did though have fun playing math & word games on my iPhone and of course lots of giggles were involved.

When it was time to say goodbye the girls were so cute giving hugs.

The Mamas and their girls. Me & Maisie, Pug Mama & Low-Low, Liene & Emilija and Lisa & Briana.


  1. What a fun day! You got some really great pics! It was so great to finally meet Low-Low. And I always love Maisie and Briana giggles. :)

  2. Aw, just love the picture of all the mamas and their girls!

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Sweet girlies!

  4. Great pictures all the girls are just look great to by the way.

  5. How fun! They are all so beautiful together.

  6. Elise5:09 AM

    Such fun pictures - what lovely children and mommies! :)

    I always enjoy reading your blog & seeing your adorable pictures. Happy referral anniversary as well! :)

  7. What fabulous pics!

    It is AMAZING how Maisie is growing up so quickly. She looks like quite the young lady. Where did that little girl go so quickly?

  8. Such beautiful girls and their mamas!

    I can't believe how big Maisie and Bri look when they're with Low Low and Emi. :o)

    Glad you all had so much fun!

  9. HOw fun! They are such sweet girls.

  10. Coming out of lurkdom to say I love following your blog & watching Maisie grow. I've been following for a long time--since before you went to China! My daughter is in gymnastics too and loving it! It was good to see a pic of Pug Mama and Low-Low! I miss her blog. And--I think that's the first time I've seen Pug Mama with her hair down and not in braids! :)

  11. That looks like it was SUCH a fun day! Makes me mad that none of my local friends blog. Heh. And oh, how we all miss Pug Mama's blog.


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